If you’re interested in the ‘Other Side’ and have been on a spiritual journey for awhile now, you’ve likely heard of Matt Fraser, an internationally-renowned psychic medium. Let’s face it – his team seem to have nailed it on the Google search front – Matt is easy to find.
When I first began this journey of experiencing the work of ‘spiritual voices‘ and interviewing them, mediums were at the top of the list, largely because I knew so little about mediumship. While I’m dozens of books into the topic now and have had about the same number of experiences, it still feels relatively new.
Although there are certainly similarities to every medium’s experiences (as children and adults), each is divinely gifted with an ability to bring love, peace, connection and healing in very unique ways. Just as therapists have their own raison d’etre and particular style with working with people, so does the medium world.
When I first visited Matt Fraser’s website, my first impression as a long time publicist myself, was “whoah, these shots feel so glitzy,” as if somehow a celebrity persona and mediumship couldn’t go hand-in-hand. The truth is that other “in-the-limelight” mediums like Long Island Medium Theresa Caputo who Matt says he admires, project a similar “Hollywood-like” image from a quick visit to their site. The more you dive into the spiritual world however, the more you realize that who we show up as in our ‘human body’ may be a far cry from the voice of our soul and Higher Self.
While I haven’t connected with Caputo personally yet, what I’ve seen of her work shows me an outgoing and ‘so not shy in front of a camera’ gal, yet she comes across as down-to-earth and let’s face it….damn funny. The same genuine nature holds true with Matt Fraser.
My Experience with Matt Fraser
My personal experience with Matt was anything but “glitzy” – his warm, authentic voice and soul is all about giving and healing those he works with in his life. During our interview, one of his childhood stories even brought me to tears.
Early on in our chat, I learn that his grandmother was a gifted psychic although a closet one, for what New England catholic woman would go public with such a rare gift in the 1950’s? Matt says, “Grandma Mary, who was the first spirit I ever communicated with, died when I was three. She was a psychic in hiding her entire life — she was ashamed of it.”
Matt too ‘had the gift’ for as long as he can remember, hearing and seeing spirits as early as three years of age, but like so many children mediums who first fear the unknown, he tried to shut it down. After having a psychic reading in his late teens, where he was told he would be a famous psychic someday, bringing his gift to many, it made him explorer a little deeper. After all, at the time he was working for the World Trade Center as an EMT and had his career laid out as a ‘healer’ in a different way. How could this future prediction really be true?
When he relayed this reading to his mother however, she surprised him with a response he didn’t expect. “When you were born, Grandma Mary said that you were a psychic and had this gift,” she said. Into a household closet she went and pulled out a homemade card deck that his grandmother had made for him out of construction paper using old fashioned magic markers to create special symbols, characters and so on.
“What kind of symbols?,” I asked him. Matt replied, “she had a red hat man, an older gray haired man and there were different topics like job, love and relationships and so on.”
Although his grandmother didn’t believe in tarot card decks, in essence, the ever so talented Grandma Mary had perhaps created one of the first “Oracle” decks of the time, however one no one got to see her beautiful work because she had to hide from such a treasured gift.
“Grandmother made these for you right after you were born,” his mom, who also has psychic gifts, said during that very special day when she also relayed to Matt that his Grandma Mary could speak to the ‘Other Side.’
While psychic mediumship may not be frowned on as it once was at the turn of the century or in the more recently 50’s and 60’s when Matt’s grandmother was in her prime, the Spirit World is still largely feared and misunderstood.
For example, Matt tells me that there are some TV shows and companies who won’t invite him to speak because their audience may be too religious and still fear that his work is not of “God.”
The sad truth is that it couldn’t be further from the work of “God” however not in the way that so much religious dogma preaches it. In fact, Matt, like so many other psychics and mediums I have talked to, open a reading with a prayer, whether this is to “God, “God Light,” the “Highest Possible Light,” the “God Head,” “Christ Light” or simply “Divine Love White Light.”
There are others that are used, but these are the ones many use and I frequently hear mediums ask for protection from Archangel Michael (Matt Fraser included) and other angels, ascended masters and guides, to ensure that the reading is from the highest possible place and source, and to guide them on our journey.

Matt Fraser
While surely there are non-authentic mediums and psychics, for every charlatan, there are countless others infused with pure spirit, committed to serving others, for service is often how many mediums describe their life path.
For example, in a recent interview I did with respected medium John Holland, he says he conveys to his students: “If you embark upon a path of mediumship, understand that it is a life of service.”
Matt Fraser gets this too and sees his life as a path of service to others. Thousands of readings later, Matt has made a career from talking to deceased loved ones of so many, bringing them messages of hope, comfort, and healing. I am not excluded but I’ll save that for the end.
Not unlike the early days of another famous psychic James Van Praagh, Matt would hear whispers from spirits in his room at night, which is known to be a common time when spirits try to communicate with us, whether we’re psychic or not.
Matt says that his biggest gift (and joy) is that he can bring people a sense of peace that their loved ones are always there, watching over them, sending messages of love and guidance, and sharing in their life’s happiness. He adds, “it is truly the gift that keeps on giving.”
“When connecting with the other side, I am blessed to learn something new every day.”
I asked Matt about Earth-bound spirits (sometimes referred to as ghosts) and unlike so many spiritual teachers and mediums I have talked to, he says that earthbound spirits are rare.
Renee: “What about if they died a tragic life, like suicide or in a war?” ( I was thinking about so many of the cases that Diana Palm often works with in helping spirits “cross over.”)
Matt: They rarely stick around for too long. Mostly, they find a way to cross over as loved ones will come to get them, and bring them into the spiritual realms.”
He asserts that when people pass over tragically, they have to let go of the burdens and emotional traumas this entails so they can work on healing on the other side.
Renee: How is your mediumship work different from others?
Matt: One way, is that I offer validation. I do this in different ways, from delivering names and dates to locations and particular memories. When I work in a crowd, I don’t like to do “group” readings but will go up to a person I am feeling energy from and stand in front of them and might say, ‘your father is standing behind you and wants you to know that he is here with you always.’ That kind of thing.
He reminds us that our spiritual family can see so much — they are around us all the time and even visit family celebrations. We started to talk about his work more specifically at this point.
Renee: What advice do you give others before you work with them and ‘how’ do you work with those who are grieving?
Matt: Often when the grief is so heavy, it can act as a barrier to communication for me. (I was surprised by this response btw). If you’re not able to hear and see signs from a deceased loved one, you may be hurting so badly that you are unable to connect.
The same happens with me and is one of the reasons I have a policy to wait at least a year after someone has lost a loved one before I do a reading for them. (I was also surprised by this).
Renee: Is this because you can’t connect with them before then?
Matt: I’ve been able to connect with a spirit within a few days of their death, however it isn’t a constant. I would rather not disappoint people with a reading that isn’t as strong and clear as it could be. When people first pass, there’s a lot of ‘letting go’ to do so their souls can be free.
When someone crosses over to the ‘other side’, that spirit needs time. They reignite with parents and other deceased family members. For some spirits, transition can be quick but others can take much more time to begin a healing process. By waiting a year, I find that my readings are often more clear and in-depth. I feel that providing a more accurate reading is more fair to my clients.
When Spirit does come through to Matt, he says it comes quickly and naturally. “Does that mean you are mostly a mental medium,” I asked. He says that as soon as he stands next to someone, the information just comes. “The messages are always so different,” says Matt.
He reflects as he talks about an experience he recently had at the Providence Fire Department where he spoke for a benefit. “Mostly, I just ‘hear’ things I’m supposed to convey,” he adds.
Matt Fraser doesn’t ask questions because he doesn’t need to. “There’s no turning off ever,” he says with a soft laugh.
Renee: If it’s mental, then communicating with other cultures should be automatic then yes?
Matt: If a spirit did not speak English in the physical world, I’ll ‘feel’ what happened in their body, including how they died, if they’re trying to convey that to me.
I’ll also hear names, places and faces. It’s like ‘reading’ pictures. Spirits will ‘paint’ a picture — it’s almost like watching a movie. I’ll see visions in front of me — visuals. Sometimes, it’s verbal. It’s quick when it comes through. They often want to convey a message of healing to those they left behind.
Like so many other spiritual teachers and gurus, Matt asserts that there’s a widespread awakening now that is unprecedented in history even if you don’t hear about it in your day-to-day life. Be sure to read my article on Thomas Hübl who is focused on raising global consciousness to prepare for the next wave in our evolution.
Even though this ‘awakening’ is becoming more prevalent, Matt Fraser largely deals with grief and helping others communicate with their deceased loved ones in a way that brings on healing. Then he hit me with another surprise.
“I limit my clients to only one reading a year.”
Renee: “WOW,” I found myself saying. “Why is that?”
Matt: I feel that one of my biggest gifts is that one reading should be able to give them enough comfort and healing to last. They shouldn’t rely on me for healing – that needs to come from within and when I do a reading, I hope that the communication that I relay is special and healing enough that they don’t need to get ‘hooked’ on needing readings.
He says, it’s not about the money for him and that it’s about helping others. And help them feel more comforted he certainly does.
Of course my mother (the grandmother who raised me) came through pretty clearly towards the last half of our session just as she did in spades during my time with John Holland. I had to laugh however when Matt said that she wasn’t the first ‘spirit’ he saw however — it was my grandfather who still feels very protective of me. He was tough in his human body and still is on the other side.
My mother acknowledged how great at networking I was and constantly helping other people but had to add that it was well overdue for me to step into my own limelight. I had to laugh because as wearing two hats in my life — one as a publicist and the other as a writer, it has always been about helping others shine.
Each time she comes through however, her voice is getting stronger and stronger, something she couldn’t do as a woman born in 1916. It’s almost as if Gaia and Goddess energy are helping her spirit shine brighter and brighter on the other side. This alone gave me so much joy.
Before our call ended, he quickly added, “I see another father figure – do you have another dad?” I laughed softly and said yes. He went on to communicate what Dad’s spirit wanted to say to me. Without going into the details as my father was a pretty complex and trauma-filled man, let’s just say that Matt’s message was incredibly accurate. Just remember that letting your spirit family know that you forgive them, that it’s all okay and that you still love their souls just as they are, gives healing back to them just as their communication brings healing to you on the Earth plane.
Imagine gifting that to countless people week after week, year after year. While there are clearly many who still don’t believe that the spiritual realm exists, for those who are open and ready for healing and letting go of old trauma and energy that no longer serves you, genuine psychic mediums like Matt Fraser can help you sail along on your journey just a little more smoothly.
I can understand why those who have the ‘gift’ like Matt Fraser say ‘it’s not about the money’ It’s because they inherently know that it is their Soul’s Purpose and when you’re living your Soul’s Purpose my friends, everything will be in alignment.
That said, Matt Fraser certainly has made his business a prosperous one between hosting sold out group events, private readings, and his book The Secrets to Unlocking Your Psychic Ability, which is available on Kindle and Paperback over on Amazon.
Additionally, in March 2018, he’ll be doing his first cruise with Holland America to bring his work into the open seas. For more information on Matt and his world, visit his website.
Other Articles You May Like:
- Listening to Your Inner Voice
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- Tuning into the Psychic Gifts of John Holland
- Connecting to Spirit Medicine is Connecting to Ourselves
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- A Call to Return to America’s Core Values and Spirit
- The Past Life Perspective: A Therapist’s View
- Listen to Your Body’s Signals
- Into the Psychic World with Eddie Conner
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Renee Blodgett is the founder of We Blog the World. The site combines the magic of an online culture and travel magazine with a global blog network and has contributors from every continent in the world. Having lived in 10 countries and explored nearly 80, she is an avid traveler, and a lover, observer and participant in cultural diversity.
She is also the CEO and founder of Magic Sauce Media, a new media services consultancy focused on viral marketing, social media, branding, events and PR. For over 20 years, she has helped companies from 12 countries get traction in the market. Known for her global and organic approach to product and corporate launches, Renee practices what she pitches and as an active user of social media, she helps clients navigate digital waters from around the world. Renee has been blogging for over 16 years and regularly writes on her personal blog Down the Avenue, Huffington Post, BlogHer, We Blog the World and other sites. She was ranked #12 Social Media Influencer by Forbes Magazine and is listed as a new media influencer and game changer on various sites and books on the new media revolution. In 2013, she was listed as the 6th most influential woman in social media by Forbes Magazine on a Top 20 List.
Her passion for art, storytelling and photography led to the launch of Magic Sauce Photography, which is a visual extension of her writing, the result of which has led to producing six photo books: Galapagos Islands, London, South Africa, Rome, Urbanization and Ecuador.
Renee is also the co-founder of Traveling Geeks, an initiative that brings entrepreneurs, thought leaders, bloggers, creators, curators and influencers to other countries to share and learn from peers, governments, corporations, and the general public in order to educate, share, evaluate, and promote innovative technologies.