Renowned medium and psychic James Van Praagh isn’t new to the spiritual stage. We had an opportunity to review some of his books lately, including one of his earliest, Talking to Heaven, which we have in as a DVD, cards, which he co-created with Doreen Virtue and paperback, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which I recently finished reading.

Credit: James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh Books & Work
Talking to Heaven kicks off with James earliest memories of his psychic gift, which has led to a long successful career, reading for and teaching others. Not unlike other books I’ve read from talented mediums, James asserts that nothing happens by chance.
He says, “Not only are things based on karmic obligations, but a soul, or a group of souls, makes an agreement in spirit before entering the physical world.
Everything in life occurs as part of a spiritual plan.” In other words – all of life is about learning from our experiences.
I couldn’t agree with this more and has certainly been the case in my own life. Souls must go through both negative and positive experiences to learn and grow.
James also talks about auras, one of my favorite topics lately as I am currently experiencing Kala Ambrose’s online course on Understanding and Reading Auras and have finished her awesome book on the same.

The 2 Part Mini Series that was created from James Van Praagh’s Book
It’s challenging to see them, but with practice, we can actually learn how to see other people’s auras and in turn, learn from them, and what they mean about their well-being and emotional state of mind as well.
He talks about how spirit is able to see your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies through our auras, which can show whether health issues are emerging or not.
One of the things that I love about the start of Chapter 8 aligns exactly with my own spiritual path. He thinks that one of the most critical aspects of his work is to dispel the power we give to fear itself. I couldn’t agree more.
Talking to one of your deceased loved ones through a medium is empowering — it not only dispels the fear and sadness you have around losing someone important in your life, but fear around death itself. He says, “fear is like a vicious circle — when we tune into it, we give it life and then attract everything we fear.”
Giving Into Fear Becomes Our Reality.
One of the best things about the book as his shares about people he has read for — I was brought to tears on more than one occasion as I understood the power of the healing that can happen when a medium gets you in touch with a deceased loved one. We learn of course that our deceased family members are not really dead at all, but very much alive in the Spirit World. Even though you can’t see them, they’re around us all the time.
While it is his first book and therefore quite old, the content is about as evergreen as it gets. It’s more true today than it has ever been before — while it may be harder to get in touch with our true self (our higher self which knows what our soul needs), especially with technology grabbing our attention all the time, when we take time to listen to that inner voice, Spirit will show up as well.
This riveting read is a must if you haven’t explored his work before. Even if you have read one of his newer books, get your paws on his first work because it will truly move and educate you.
You can get the paperback over on Amazon, as well as Talk to Heaven mediumship cards and the DVD, which we plan to watch over the next few weeks. It is a complete two part mini series starring folks like Ted Danson, Michael Moriarty, Mary Steenburgen, Queen Latifah and others. The book may have been out for awhile, but it’s evergreen content on the topic and still incredibly insightful.
James also has a book entitled Reaching to Heaven, which is a Spiritual Journey Through Life and Death. My favorite section is Part 2 which is When Spirit Speaks. Why?
Through spirit, we learn to dispel our fears, which I mention above, and get encouragement that our life path is part of a greater plan.
He asserts that if we could only keep in mind that what waits us at the end of our journeys is worth all the agonizing and arduous steps that we have to take, we would forge ahead gladly.”
He reminds us often, that we are never really alone. Our loved ones and enlightened spirit guides are always among us to direct and support us with their loving guidance.
Having experienced the “other side” personally, I can vouch for James’ validation of that loving support. When Spirit comes through, it is so powerful and so embracing, that you truly feel filled up inside with pure love and…joy!
I also love his chapter on Forgiveness, which is something that most of us (in our human bodies) find hard to do. It’s hard to find inner joy, peace and love until we have accepted forgiveness. When we do, it opens up empathy, sympathy and a divinity within us that is very pure.
Other great content in this wonderful read is the in-depth section reminding us who we really are. Once we tap into what our soul wants and needs, and listen to that higher self of ours, we can truly tap into the inner joy that Spirit brings. He has a lovely section on Grounding too, which I think is imperative, whether or not you do work in the Spiritual realm or not. Grounding is useful for everyone.
It helps to keep us rooted into the Earth and “balanced” and is also releases old stagnant energy that we no longer need. It’s powerful, trust me. From a place of balance, we can more effectively hear our higher self speak our truths and in doing so, live by them. Once we do this, we finally bring out our best gifts and our inner light that illuminate the way for ourselves and others in our sphere.
James talks about his experience with other Spiritualists who are doing work globally. And, it is happening in temples and in regular rooms where Spirit is assisting them in their daily work. He asserts that some are political leaders, others are notable inventors, while others are great humanitarians from the past. There are others who haven’t lived on earth but from a different dimension of our universe.
“All of these spirits are in the process of working with the minds of earth’s political leaders, imparting ideals of peace, compassion, unity and understanding. By fusing their thoughts together, they can help to enlighten men and women so that all hearts may awaken to peace and accord.”
You also learn with vivid detail (through his eyes and experience) what it’s like on the “Other Side.” For example, as he writes in the section on Infinite Learning, Souls in the higher regions are there to learn, expand and develop their mental capabilities and to receive instruction through their Spirit guides and teachers. The topics many be many depending on your choosing however they are all webbed in one core thing: TRUTH.
You could argue that one’s truth is an interpretation however regardless of your life view, remember that our Soul’s purpose and needs are wrapped in LOVE. Virtues such as love, humility and patience are the order of the day in the Spirit World and this my friends, is truly what sets us free on the Earth plane as well.
I absolutely loved the book. You can get Reaching to Heaven over on Amazon and it is available in both hardcover and paperback.
Ghosts Among Us, is also a fascinating read that uncovers the truth about the Spirit World. Let’s just call the book “an incredible ride.” Unlike other books that attempt to explain the “Other Side,” this detailed overview on the ghosts among us paints a whole lotta texture you don’t get from many other reads.
For example, he goes into Guides of a Higher Order, which is a list of highly evolved spiritual guides whose tasks are to protect, inspire and teach. For example, there’s the Gatekeeper, the Inspirational Guide, the Healing Guide (we all love these), Historical Guides and even Child Guides, among others.
There’s also angels of course, who are spiritual messengers and instruments of divine guidance, inspiration and protection (think Archangel Michael). BTW, even if you’re not religious (trust me, I am not), there’s inherent evidence from so many who have experienced the power of angels, that years after avoiding the topic of angels (think four controlling years at private catholic school), I believe they exist and have experienced them first hand.
If interested in more here, check out the work of Lucinda Gabriel’s work (it’s her specialty and she has a book on Talking to Angels as well) as well as Therese Sanderson who does healing work with angels out of Los Angeles.
In this riveting read, James also explains how we’re all energy, including ghosts….and how to tune into a ghost’s energy. He goes into sensing energy, light beings and how to tell the difference. From understanding chakras to tapping into your intuitive being, he guides you through exercises you can do yourself.
Like his other two books, I couldn’t put it down and finished it in less than two days — yes really. You’ll find yourself smiling ear-to-ear, laughing at times, spooked at other times and yet when you get through it, you’ll find a sense of peace about the Spirit world in a way that a lot of other books, even by renowned mediums, can’t master.
When armed with tools, there’s nothing to fear about the ghost / spirit world. By tools, I mean focusing on positive thoughts, actions and love, checking your chakras to make sure they’re flowing smoothly and in good health, and creating mantras and intentions that protect you from what he refers to as “psychic attack.”
There’s also an interesting section on how ghosts communicate vis a vis spirits from a higher plane. Have a ghost problem in a house or not sure if you do? Diana Palm specializes in “crossing spirits over” and also clearing energy, so check her out if fascinated by the paranormal piece to mediumship work.
James too knows how to do this effectively and he shares stories about where he has cleared homes and been able to move spirits to the other side, where loved ones are waiting. He has actually witnessed another Spirit (likely their partner or family member while on earth) who is there waiting for them to make the transition from Earth bound ghost energy to one that is in the higher light. This is where we want to be after we die, for this is where healing and advanced learning takes place.
While it may be his stories that will keep you glued to turning the pages, there is a lot of purpose and soulful sharing, especially towards the end of the book that gets you to truly look at what’s possible on the earth plane. For example, we are limitless in what we can achieve here once we tap into our higher self and our Soul’s purpose.
He asserts that it is our Higher Self that is our true divine nature, also referred to as the “God-Self” or the “Christ consciousness.” This is what connects you directly to the spiritual realms and transcends your limited consciousness. This is obviously in direct competition with ego which can’t exist alongside unconditional love – remember this. James asks: how difficult is it to move beyond the lowly desires of the ego self and become aware of the higher elements of our true being?
“Remember that first and foremost, you are already Spirit. Your Higher Self already exists. You are remembering what you already know in this place. On one level, you are reminding or reprogramming yourself to come into this awareness.”
He talks about the power of intentions, thoughts and negative versus positive language and attitudes. The former can be toxic particularly if we’re around it all the time. He ends with the Power of Love, which is what we’re all here to learn.
“The Energy of Love is the most powerful, natural force in the Universe. Love binds everything together and permeates everything in the Universe.”
I really loved this book — perhaps my favorite of the three although I’d suggest all of them will blow you wide open. His writing is so fluid that you won’t be able to put his soulful reads down.
Ghosts Among Us is a must read if you’re interested in the spiritual world, understanding higher planes and where ghosts fit into Spirit World. I might also add, how to protect yourself if dabbling in this space. Grounding is part of it but there’s much more and James has tips here also. Two major thumbs up!!
It’s also available over on Amazon and definitely worth reading.

Renee Blodgett is the founder of We Blog the World. The site combines the magic of an online culture and travel magazine with a global blog network and has contributors from every continent in the world. Having lived in 10 countries and explored nearly 80, she is an avid traveler, and a lover, observer and participant in cultural diversity.
She is also the CEO and founder of Magic Sauce Media, a new media services consultancy focused on viral marketing, social media, branding, events and PR. For over 20 years, she has helped companies from 12 countries get traction in the market. Known for her global and organic approach to product and corporate launches, Renee practices what she pitches and as an active user of social media, she helps clients navigate digital waters from around the world. Renee has been blogging for over 16 years and regularly writes on her personal blog Down the Avenue, Huffington Post, BlogHer, We Blog the World and other sites. She was ranked #12 Social Media Influencer by Forbes Magazine and is listed as a new media influencer and game changer on various sites and books on the new media revolution. In 2013, she was listed as the 6th most influential woman in social media by Forbes Magazine on a Top 20 List.
Her passion for art, storytelling and photography led to the launch of Magic Sauce Photography, which is a visual extension of her writing, the result of which has led to producing six photo books: Galapagos Islands, London, South Africa, Rome, Urbanization and Ecuador.
Renee is also the co-founder of Traveling Geeks, an initiative that brings entrepreneurs, thought leaders, bloggers, creators, curators and influencers to other countries to share and learn from peers, governments, corporations, and the general public in order to educate, share, evaluate, and promote innovative technologies.