The impact of Compelling Storytelling can transform your brand. The problem is, not everyone knows how to tell a great story or they’re too close to their brand to see or convey its real magic.
With the wide array of content at our fingertips, you now need to tell your story a hundred different ways…….through long form video and in a few seconds or less for millennials, in a conversation on an airplane or golf course, on your website and blog, in 140 characters or less, through a news feed, on a Facebook fan page, in a comment thread, in Snapchat, at a trade show, on a speaking panel, through a contest – the list goes on. Enough already — where to start?
Remember, perception is reality. It’s not who you are or who you think you are, but how you’re perceived by those you’re trying to win over. With over 20 years of experience, I can help you not just tell the right story for the right audience, using the right medium and in a way that will resonate with your customers and influencers again and again, but work with you to create focused strategies and programs that will accelerate your brand or product for the long haul.

Let’s be honest – not everyone understands how to create compelling content that grabs people’s attention, how to create a “purple cow” amidst the noise and stand out from the rest, how to customize that content for unique audiences and most importantly, how to communicate in a digestible way that will draw people to your brand.
Content is still king — value your content and people will value what you have to say. Hire me to write news, product or service articles, corporate materials for your site, blog or other marketing purposes. Think: events, launches, rebranding, collaboration with partners and more.
Even if you already have a spokesperson or your CEO does most of the interviews, I can offer media coaching and training. Being effective on camera isn’t easy, and often the interviewer has their own agenda which may not align with yours.
With over two decades of experience, I’ll help you present yourself in a way that gets noticed: authentic, articulate, factual, strategic, edgy, forward thinking and consistent. Think product launches, rebranding and events.
With 20+ years in PR, marketing, journalism, social media, branding and product launches, I can work with you to create a communications campaign or make an existing one better, from strategic messaging & positioning to full blown roll-outs. My hot buttons include technology, travel, wellness, lifestyle, gadgets, apps, hotels and events.
Whether you sell a product, service, an idea or hope, knowing where you are today and want to be tomorrow is critical to your success. I’ll help you get crystal clear about your vision or craft a new one if the old one is tired or simply not working for you anymore.

I can act as spokesperson and/or evangelist at selected events or for media interviews; this can be on the ground or in the digital world. I’ve worked alongside plenty of PR firms and marketing teams over the years so can help with or without a marketing or PR team in place. Not only do I have long-standing media relationships but experience working with print and broadcast media as well as bloggers across a myriad of verticals.
I have done soundbites and interviews with Good Morning America, CNN, ABC News, Fox TV, BBC, NPR, Wall Street TV, CBS Radio and dozens of others. Listen to this CBS Bootcamp radio interview and this live TV interview for the Wall Street Journal.
Each year, I carefully select a handful of domestic and international partners for FAM trips & have teamed up with destination, hotel, fashion and corporate brands. Our tagline is Transformative Travel; primary areas of focus include high-end adventure, luxury getaways, wellness travel, consciousness events, food/wine and unique cultural experiences.
From Canada’s Arctic, Estonia, Berlin and Normandy to Japan, Jamaica, Chile, Cape Cod and South Africa, I have captured the transformative elements to each place. Refer to our Hosts & Corporate Partners page for a better idea of who we’ve collaborated with.
Consider a roundtable, Twitter chat, seminar, specific project or a social media “pow-wow”. Ranked #12 Social Media Influencer on the Top 100 list by Forbes, 6th most influential woman in social media also by Forbes, chosen as a top Digital Influencer by the United Nations, was a Shorty Award Business Finalist & served as a Smitty Awards judge for Travel & Leisure, I know how to navigate these waters.

You may already be doing social media campaigns but how passionate, trusted and independent are the voices? In conjunction with other programs we can do together, trips or events, I work with brands I like and trust. We can execute over the long haul or for one event or trip.
I’ll work with you to determine the kinds of exposure you want and collectively we can identify what other influencers and brand ambassadors might be a fit to accelerate your voice.
Hire me to do regular Twitter chats, create a community, grow one or manage one that already exists. There are companies that fail at this regularly and others who “get” what building community is about and why it’s important.
Don’t let one of those negative brand examples be YOU. Engagement is critical to getting your customers to trust what you have to say. Together, we can even more effectively accelerate your brand.
Hire me to put together a FAM trip in a vertical you’re going after: food/wine, wellness, fashion, family, luxury, adventure, culture or the arts. I have created and led successful journalist, influencer and blogger trips through our sister blog network Traveling Geeks on four continents.
I’ll manage the process from the messaging and positioning to developing a social media plan and curating the right influencers to best meet your goals.

With the wide array of media at your fingertips, you now need to tell your story a hundred different ways: through short-form video, on your website and blog, a news feed, Facebook fan page, at a trade show or on a panel, via dozens of new social media platforms, through a contest….Enough already — where to start?
I will work with you to craft the right story for the right audience, using the right medium and in a way that will resonate with your customers and influencers again and again.
Remember, perception is reality. You need to build trust and that means being consistent with your messaging and not doing a one off campaign where authentic engagement dies when the campaign does.

I have launched products and services and driven high touch events for clients across four continents. Check out Magic Sauce Media for more of my professional communications history, the Why Work With Us page for more details on the why and how and read my testimonials to see what the outside world thinks…
You can hire people with half my experience and without the kudos and industry recognition, but why would you want to? When you’re serious about taking your brand to the next level, let’s talk!