We recently took a trip to the mountains of Taiwan to a small picnic area above the city of Sanxia. We got lucky, in terms of the weather , which is pretty unpredictable this time of year. The Plum Rains have started and we are seeing thunderstorms on an almost daily basis.
But last Saturday was just about as perfect as weather can be. Temperatures were cool, but not cold. There was no rain, just a slight refreshing breeze. As an added bonus, because of the terrible weather for the last week, everyone stayed home, expecting the weather to repeat, so we had the place virtually to our selves. Only lifeguards were milling around. That doesn’t happen often on a weekend in the Taiwanese mountains.

Chris Banducci is a pastor and missionary in Taiwan. He has, at other times of his life, been a white-water rafter, rock climber and adventurer. He left the corporate world of Solid Waste Recycling in 1996 and went into full-time ministry, where he pioneered a church in Riverside, California for the Potter’s House Christian Fellowship and is now engaged in the same endeavor in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. He writes on the culture, religion, tradition, and day-to-day life in Taiwan. Twenty-six years of living with Muscular Dystrophy may have weakened his muscles but not his spirit.