I’ve always been fascinated by the Birds of East Asia, even though I have to say at the outset that I am not a “professional” bird watcher.
Although, I could see myself at some time in the future settling down to watch birds do bird things. My lack of mobility and limited (mobility scooter) transportation means that my main locations for watching birds are fairly specific.

Credit: Wikipedia
Often, people think that disabilities limit your ability to be involved in something like bird watching, but it can still be a rewarding pursuit, with a few adjustments.
Taoyuan City is “famous” for the number of parks spread throughout. Most of them are beautiful little oases in high-rise neighborhoods. So, my particular area of ornithological study is the urban park habitat. Occasionally, I am able to go into the more rural areas to watch, but that requires a driver and someone who is interested in a quiet few hours.
Taoyuan City is “famous” for the number of parks spread throughout. Most of them are beautiful little oases in high-rise neighborhoods. So, my particular area of ornithological study is the urban park habitat. Occasionally, I am able to go into the more rural areas to watch, but that requires a driver and someone who is interested in a quiet few hours.
Birds of East Asia
Let’s take a look at this fascinating field guide, the Birds of East Asia.
I got involved in bird watching because I could recognize only a few of the birds I saw in trees, in rice fields and on poles near my home. Not all of them are the same as California’s birds. In fact, I have only seen a few that I recognized without the assistance of my trusty Field guide.
As Christmas got closer they got desperate, so they tricked me into revealing, once again, the name of the field guide I wanted: Birds of East Asia, by Mark Brazil.
So this is my review of this fantastic Birds of East Asia bird guide. In many ways, I think it is an excellent book. There are a lot of beautiful, full-color renderings of birds in different positions.
For example, there are drawings of birds standing, flying over head, and flying at eye level. The advantage of that is that birds rarely sit like museum exhibits for you to look at. They are usually about some mysterious bird business, whatever it may be.
Although, I have a tendency to “Google” them when I find them so that I can find out what order they come from. For instance, I found a bird just last week called a Malayan Night Heron.
The drawing of the bird left off the crest that was obvious and visible, so to be sure of what I was seeing I used Google, which produced a large number of photos.
In addition to the corroborating photos, I found that the heron is of the order Pelecaniformes. This is the same order as Pelicans, but according to the description and location of the bird, they are not really water birds.
The only other problem with the book is that it covers a large area: China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, and Russia. This is quite a large geographical area, so the range maps are a little too small to see clearly. Remember, my children called this an old man’s sport.
I’ll cop to being a “not-as-young-as-I-used-to-be” man, I won’t go all the way to old, but even with my bifocals, the maps are a little small. Taiwan is, after all, a tiny island in that large land mass.
Finally, the last problem, I have with Birds of East Asia is its size. I think it’s a little heavy for a field guide.
My copy of Birds of East Asia is paperback and I don’t like to take it out into the field because it might get destroyed.
I generally, try to photograph the bird and then come back and look it up. It can be difficult if I come across more than a couple of birds because I have to take notes in order to remember locations and habitats.
In general, I am delighted with the Birds of East Asia overall. When I’m stuck in my office I find myself leafing through it and trying to memorize the drawings so I’ll recognize the birds immediately.
The book is published by Princeton Field Guides, Princeton University Press and is available over on Amazon so if you’re a nature or bird lover, pick one up. Also check out this useful bird app, Birdeez.
The book is published by Princeton Field Guides, Princeton University Press and is available over on Amazon so if you’re a nature or bird lover, pick one up. Also check out this useful bird app, Birdeez.

Chris Banducci is a pastor and missionary in Taiwan. He has, at other times of his life, been a white-water rafter, rock climber and adventurer. He left the corporate world of Solid Waste Recycling in 1996 and went into full-time ministry, where he pioneered a church in Riverside, California for the Potter’s House Christian Fellowship and is now engaged in the same endeavor in Taoyuan City, Taiwan. He writes on the culture, religion, tradition, and day-to-day life in Taiwan. Twenty-six years of living with Muscular Dystrophy may have weakened his muscles but not his spirit.