I”M ALIVE!!!!!
That’s right team. you heard about an American who died on Kilimanjaro (no bullshit), but it wasn’t me. I have climbed the mountain and returned safely (and painfully) to the ground in Moshi, Tanzania where I am spending a much much MUCH needed day of rest. (Although at midnight last night the key broke off in my padlock to my room, so we spend an hour trying to break in with the hotel staff. Yep…those things work! No luck, so I had to sleep in another room and they are still waiting for the carpenter to break in and get the thing open. As a result I’m walking around Moshi early in the morning not getting my break, but that’s okay, Hakuna Matata).
Wait Craig, did you just say “Hakuna Matata?”
I did. It means No worries, for the rest of your days…
So, where have I been for the last 9 days or so?
Well first I was on a 3 day Tanzanian safari to Lake Miniera, Tirengerie National Park (“Warthog River” National Park), and the crème de le crème: Ngorongoro crater. I was with 2 Danish girls named Maibrit and Christine, and for 2 of the days Victoria and Peter from Poland. We got along well and had a good time camping and getting dusty as can be. The safari was a bit more expensive than in Kenya, but was still fun. Got to sleep under the stars and see lots of animals (but unlike in Masai Mara you can’t drive off road to see them so you have to accept the distance you have which is better for the ground but not quite as cool.).
Still, we had a wildebeest/zebra mini stampede across the road that was awesome. Those guys can fly when they want. About 300-400 animals charging between our parked cars. Leaping over the side of the road. Not really sure what they were afraid of, but it made for some very dramatic photos. That was in Tierengerie.
And the Ngorongoro crater is fantastic! SOOOO beautiful. It’s about 7 miles diameter crater with 2700 foot tall walls. It’s a collapsed volcano and because of all the water there is a lot of wildlife down in the basin. Masai warriors bring their cattle in to feed and it is quite amazing to see. Dust, rain, cliffs, hippos and lions. And when you stop for lunch you are by a hippo pool with Black Kite birds flying over head. Seems peaceful…until the crazy bastards dive bomb you for your food! I had one hit the top of my head from behind as he dove in for my chicken, taking it out of the box on my lap. Then one, two more over my head and tore the lunch box apart!
At that point we all went inside the safari van to finish up our lunch. :)
A great time including a rowdy game of Danish Spin The Bottle! They say they play it “all the time”. Given the rather fantastic girl to guy ratio, seemed like a fun plan.
BUT, nope, this game is not what you think. Danish spin the bottle is basically “Dare or Dare” where you say what happens when the bottle lands on someone and then it’s random who has to do the dare. The best was to go up to the tent of the two Spanish gals who went to sleep and howl and pound your chest like a gorilla. In the morning we found out it scared them pretty good (though they had earplugs in so it wasn’t as dramatic as you might think. ) Still very funny. Markus and Phia from Sweden joined in. (Yet another awesome couple from Sweden… are they all as cool as the people I’ve met? If so, Sweden RULES! :)
Anyway, that’s safari, after 7 days in safari vans and safari surfin’ and even playing Frisbee on overlooks with elephants down below, I’m ready to not be in a van anymore. Ready to be out in nature, walking, maybe hiking a mountain… a BIG mountain….
Next episode.
Rock on

Craig Ouellette is a world traveling, independent filmmaker, and karaoke fiend. He has been to dozens of countries, made dozens of films, and sung more karaoke songs than he can count. He hopes the tales of adventure will entertain.