Living a Bohemian Lifestyle doesn’t mean you are a legit gypsy asking tourists for money outside of Notre Dame Cathedral. I remember my first time in Paris I was shocked to find rather disheveled looking gypsy types at every corner. My naive 21 year old self just assumed they would all look like Esmerelda from Disney’s portrayal of The Hunchback of Notre Dame. My mistake!
Anyway, here are 10 signs you are a bohemian-at-heart.
1. You are rocking the messy hair look not because you are trying to fit into the current trend but rather because you barely slept after drinking with locals the night before. You also can’t seem to locate your hairbrush and are beginning to question whether you packed it in the first place.
2. You are covered in various winter fabrics and have no intention of explaining your fashion choices of the day. A bohemian never needs to think about his or her outfit. If you are cold, then wear as much wool and knit as you can. Nothing is more unfashionable than a traveler who is cold, tired and grumpy. Plus, the layered look is always a popular winter trend.
3. You randomly stop in the middle of the street because you happened to spot a really cool brick wall covered in local street art. This always makes me stop in my tracks, especially if it’s colorful and quirky. Just be careful to look both ways before attempting to cross the street again.
4. You can’t manage to find anything of relevance in your backpack or purse because you find beauty in the non-traditional. You might have forgotten to throw your passport in your bag but you still have the number to a cool bar scribbled on your notepad and a coffee shop that specializes in organic blends.
5. Being broke doesn’t stop you from exploring. Whether you have $5 or $500 to spend each day, there are often endless free activities and cultural sites that require only your camera and walking shoes. If you are a girl, chances are pretty high that your drinks that night will be paid for by a regular.
6. You find yourself in situations you are not prepared for and get involved anyway. In Jujuy, Argentina, I decided to climb the Hill of Seven Colors even though I was wearing a long maxi skirt and ballet flats that had zero traction. I may not have dressed appropriately for a jaunt with nature but I made it up the hill regardless.
7. You crave alone time almost daily. Whether it’s to reflect on your surroundings, write a poem that’s been floating in your head all week, or to jot down ideas for your next creative project, this is normal and you should not fight the urge to brainstorm ideas and use your inspiration for the greater good.
8. You wear sunglasses and over-sized hats not because you secretly think you are a celebrity but because you want to feel a little bit invisible as you observe the local culture. Hiding behind your sunglasses doesn’t mean you are avoiding contact with people. You simply came prepared for all weather conditions.
9. You put your street performing abilities to the test by singing for passing tourists in the main square or doing your best imitation of a local dance style. You may not make any money and you may not be doing it for the money in the first place. Going outside your comfort zone and giving it a shot is something every traveler should try at least once.
10. You feel an itch to get back on the trail and continue your journey. A bohemian traveler never stays in one place too long because they know that there are more cities and towns that need exploring. Our boots keep walking and lead us down the path we are meant to find and explore.
Santiago, Chile

Megan Eileen McDonough is writer, blogger and social media specialist based in New York City. She also runs Bohemian Trails, a lifestyle blog designed for the savvy and stylish traveler. Bohemian Trails aims to feature must-see places around the world, covering everything from revamped neighborhoods and vibrant street art to innovative tech hubs and everything in between. Her cultural escapades have taken her to Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
Megan is also a freelance writer and social media specialist based in New York City. She contributes to various online and print publications in the travel and fashion industries and is an international correspondent for both Jetsetter and Northstar Travel Media.