International Vegetarian Week

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The start of October marks International Vegetarian Week. From October 1-7, various people and places around the world create some buzz about vegetarianism and creating awareness about going easy on the meat by holding events, making lunches, sharing resources and campaigning.

Here are 7 things you could do during International Vegetarian Week:

1. Watch Moos night. It’s a little bit of Green Thing inspiration to help you go easy on the meat. It’s a special report on cows eating less human meat.

2. Play “Guess the celeb vegetarian” and read up on famous vegetarian athletes. You will be beautiful and successful if you eat less meat. Just kidding. Sort of.

3. Learn about some other fantastic campaigns aimed at helping people go easy on the meat such as Part-time carnivore, weekday vegetarian and Meat Free Mondays, to name a few.

4. Take a cooking class. The Wholefood kitchen offers some classes with the Concord Institute. School of Everything also is a great resource for finding teachers and cooking courses. If you’re on a budget or not super keen to sign up to a course just yet, Treehugger posts great recipes daily as part of their weekday vegetarian series and you can experiment on your own.

5. Check out these 5 meaty meatless recipes – and have a go at making some meat-free goodness.

6. Read 100 facts and thoughts about vegetarianism. There are some good facts there, like: “It is said that women are 50% more likely than men to become vegetarian. It’s true that statistically in the recent past more women have become vegetarian than men. These days, this trend is evening out, especially among younger people.”

7. Complete this sentence: “I dig seasonal veg because…” and “WIN a copy of “Grown in Britain.” There’s nothing like a free, beautifully illustrated, recipe and information book to get your started, or help you continue life as a veggie.

To find out more about International Vegetarian Week, click here >>

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