There were very many entries today for the “Grown in Britain” book. Ninjin, the veg assassin is pleased. He has chosen 2 winners.
From Green Thing’s Site– Ianjbarker: “I dig seasonal vegetables because, it’s halloween whoop whoop, best time for pumpkin soup.”
From Twitter– Alexlee303: I dig seasonal veg because its cheaper and riper. It’s a no-brainer!
Ninjin, although unfamilair will trivial pop culture references was rather intrigued by this entry on our site: “If you wanna be my lover, gotta get with my seas’n Veg’s for every season, freshness never ends If you wanna be my lover, you have got to seas’n, Shippin’ it’s too easy, carb’n prints not the way”. Thanks Michelle, you get honourable mention!
Monday will be your last chance to win a copy of “Grown in Britain” and keep Ninjin from coming after you.
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To win the one book that might stop Ninjin coming after you, click here >>. To learn how to think and act like Ninjin, click here >>. This competition is in association with EAT SEASONABLY.

Katherine Hui is currently the Social site editor at Green Thing, a web-based public service in London that inspires people to lead greener lives through creative content.
Before this, she worked as the Development Manager at Social Innovation Camp, an organization that encourages people to use web and mobile-based technology to mobilise social change. She oversaw 300 ideas submission and helped build 20 prototypes – five of which have gone on to get further funding or investment.
Katherine’s came over to the UK form Canada in 2007 for an MSc program at the London School of Economics. Before arriving in London, she managed a small environmental start-up in Vancouver called the Canadian Climate Change Alliance.
Katherine is football mad. She is a loyal supporter of Arsenal FC, plays for Islington Borough Ladies FC and coaches for Gunners in Islington in her spare time. Her second favourite hobby is kite surfing and she can sometimes be found chasing the wind.