(This is a guest blog post from Jo Caroll)
Hate the early morning squash into the tube? Clinging to the rail with your face jammed into that sweaty mans armpit? All the while your trusty old bike is propped up at home housing the last of September’s spiders. Its ok, I’m guilty too. The roads are terrifying with cars whizzing past and grazing your elbow and I get lost in this city more than I’ve ever got lost anywhere (with the exception of Amsterdam).
But these excuses no longer hold any weight. Say hello to the Cycle Super Highway. A specific bike path to be extended around the city next to, but for the most part seperate from, the road with extra matching signs to stop directionally challenged cyclists like me ending up miles from home.
To differentiate from the tradition cycle paths, some are raised to pavement level – the curb being a handy barrier between spokes and those too-fast, too-close drivers. And incase you think it might be missed, it is painted a bright blue, Barclays blue in fact. Not content with just providing Londoners with bikes to cycle around on, they are making sure use them with these safer, quicker cycle highways.
Two paths are already up and cycling from Merton and Barking into the City with 10 more planned to be completed by 2015.
With more bike parking, cutting conjestion, reducing car use, taking the pressure off public transport AND encouraging more people to get cycling and get fit, what isn’t to love? So (sorry, I cant help myself, I’m gonna say it) On Yer Bike!

Katherine Hui is currently the Social site editor at Green Thing, a web-based public service in London that inspires people to lead greener lives through creative content.
Before this, she worked as the Development Manager at Social Innovation Camp, an organization that encourages people to use web and mobile-based technology to mobilise social change. She oversaw 300 ideas submission and helped build 20 prototypes – five of which have gone on to get further funding or investment.
Katherine’s came over to the UK form Canada in 2007 for an MSc program at the London School of Economics. Before arriving in London, she managed a small environmental start-up in Vancouver called the Canadian Climate Change Alliance.
Katherine is football mad. She is a loyal supporter of Arsenal FC, plays for Islington Borough Ladies FC and coaches for Gunners in Islington in her spare time. Her second favourite hobby is kite surfing and she can sometimes be found chasing the wind.