Hey, Where Did North Korea Get that Lincoln Contintental From?

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Watching the secret footage of the funeral of Korean dictator Kim Jong-il has an eerie Cold War feel to it. While the footage is certainly better than what James Bond might have shot with a camera embedded in a shoe or ball point pen, the snow, the huge military presence and the 1970s-era Lincoln Continentals are all reminders of the not-so-distant past.

The New York Times points out that it’s odd to see the body of Kim Jong-il transported on a vehicle made by his sworn enemy – the USA. Car aficionados were quick to pounce on the video and photos like this one with their opinions of make and model. Perhaps a 1975 or 1976 model, brought in through China – North Korea’s largest trading partner. (Read more at Backflashes)

(Photo credit: Associated Press)

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