By Renee Blodgett on December 22, 2005 in Africa, East Africa, Kenya, Maine, New England, North America, Photos, South Africa, Southern Africa, USA
I decided to interview Ory Okolloh from Nairobi who recently spent a few years in the states studying at Harvard. I met her at PopTech in Maine this fall, where she spoke with several other...
The view of San Francisco from the Bernal Heights hill on a November weekend morning....
ACG Boston is hosting an early morning discussion on taking a Journey to an IPO, on November 17 at the Boston Harbor Hotel, starting at 7:15 am. Co-founder and CEO of Unica's Yuchun Lee will...
Mass High Tech is presenting the upcoming 2005 TechCitizenship Event in Boston at the Museum of Science on Friday, November 18 from 7:30-9:30 am.
CEOs will talk about how corporate giving builds morale, encourages employee retention...
I tried to connect with Rodney Brooks at MIT in Boston on my recent trip, but the damn rain and overcramped schedule kept me away. He's been telling me about their new building for awhile...
Last week, Fortune Magazine's David Kirkpatrick led a panel of ten young African fellows, who spoke on change in local government, healthcare issues, the impact of technology and suggestions on what we can collectively do...
Sam Harris pronounces to the crowd - "I'm very concerned in our belief in faith. We have Christians against Muslims against Jews……I know I’m going to offend many of you in the room. But I’m...
Davy Rothbart, founder of Found Magazine is on the PopTech stage reading us stories, letters and although he doesn't have any physical visuals, he gives us many. He is probably more widely known for his...
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