Ready 2Go Organizes The Million Tech Gadgets in your Bag

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Whenever I’m on the road for awhile, I tend to overpack gadgets I think I’ll need particularly if I’m going in and out of a couple of continents along the way.

I’m one of those “I may just need that adapter in case I get re-routed to Germany along the way, or whatever the scenario may be.”

Smart phones and tablets make it easy to stay in touch and be productive on the go, but the usefulness of tech gadgets is short lived without power cords, adapters and other mobile paraphernalia.

And, when you shoot video, stills and stay connected like I do, wherever I go, I need all those technical adapter extras.

Neatnix Ready 2Go tech organizers are designed to carry small electronics and all the accessories that go along with them — earbuds, computer mice, USB devices, spare batteries and more. The carriers are lightweight and offer a mix of zippered inner pockets and elastic straps that keep cords from getting tangled.

The stretchable bands secure all of your accessories on a board, which then fits inside the carrier for extra security.

The whole idea is that rather than have all your bits and pieces in several small bags and pockets, Ready 2Go tech organizers allow you to stay that much more organized by bringing everything together in an organized well-managed place.

Price range is $12-26.

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