For the last year the Sparta Pride have been on the back foot continually running away and avoiding any conflict with the four Majingilane Males. Seldomly seen venturing near their traditional hunting fields of the past in fear that they will be met by a show of force! That has all now changed…
The Sparta Lionesses have finally accepted these ‘new’ males and have decided that they are worthy of fathering their next litter and continuing the precious Sparta Pride lineage. We have been very privileged over the last few days to watch various members of the depleted Sparta Pride mating with all the members of the notorious Majingilanes. This is the best possible news that could come out of Londolozi at the moment as it means that not only will tension levels drop; but we potentially have new cubs in the pipeline. It also means that the Sparta Pride will be freed up to move back into the heart of Londolozi and so sightings of this wonderful pride will become more regular.
It is however sadly not the best news for the surviving Sparta Young Males and the much loved Tsalala Young Male. These males now have no option but to unite and run! There is no longer any space for these males at Londolozi and I fear that their days are numbered…
Could this be the satisfied look of an expecting mother?
Written and photographed by: Adam Bannister
Filmed by: Daniel Buys