On the Next Stage at SXSW I went to see The Art of Trans-media Storytelling with the Grammy-nominated recording artist Kenna, (Twitter handle @okKenna) with where Justin Wilkes, @radical.media’s Executive Vice President of Media and Entertainment, whose credits include Nike BattleGrounds and Jay-Z: Fade to Black. They took us through the process, challenges, and opportunities of trans-media storytelling through the lense of Kenna and crew’s climb of Kilimanjaro.
How does one bring awareness to something so important and simple as clean drinking water? Do something as striking as climb Kilimanjaro and use a trans-media approach to provide a play-by-play approach to tell the story.
The lack of clean drinking water is amazing. Over 1 billion people do not have access to clean, safe drinking water. When you donate, 1 penny equals 1 liter of clean, safe drinking water. You can donate and get involved in lot’s of ways! Here’s a screen grab from their website.
Here’s the video of part of the session at SXSW on the Art of Transmedia StoryTelling:
For more information on the climb check out the site.
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Dr. Nat is a leading expert, often quoted in the press and provides commentary as a guest expert on radio and television on how the top companies provide great experiences and retain loyal customers. She also writes about technology, social media, mobile and products. Her research has been highlighted in cover stories in business publications like Business Week, New York Times and USA Today and she has given talks at leading events such as WOMMA, Forrester Consumer Forum, SOCAP, and more. Dr. Nat is the author of four business books on customer service, CRM and contact centers as well as author of dozens upon dozens of articles, white papers and research.