Want to dive in, but hate getting Chorine or salt water in your eyes? You know how it can burn! These swim goggles provide superior suction and leak resistance.
Photo Source: Hammacher Schlemmer
They are designed to contours your face like a glove. And they are easy to slip on and off, so you don’t feel like you are tearing your skin or hair when you remove them. They’ve also made it easy to adjust with a button that quickly loosens or tightens the strap. The goggles have tinted polycarbonate lenses that block UV rays and filter 100% of blue light. That way when you are trying to see, there’s less distortion, improved depth perception and contrast.

Dr. Nat is a leading expert, often quoted in the press and provides commentary as a guest expert on radio and television on how the top companies provide great experiences and retain loyal customers. She also writes about technology, social media, mobile and products. Her research has been highlighted in cover stories in business publications like Business Week, New York Times and USA Today and she has given talks at leading events such as WOMMA, Forrester Consumer Forum, SOCAP, and more. Dr. Nat is the author of four business books on customer service, CRM and contact centers as well as author of dozens upon dozens of articles, white papers and research.