For Avant-Garde Travelers: 3 Fun & Sporty Ways to Explore Mexico

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Mexico is always a popular vacation spot for avant-garde travelers and water sport fanatics alike. While I do try to be as active as possible, I generally prefer a more laid-back approach to travel. Here are my three favorite ways to explore the real Mexico.


During my time in Los Cabos, I went kayaking for about an hour, which proved to be just the right amount of time.  I opted for two-seater kayak, but you can also hit the waters solo. For a less strenuous ride, look for tour companies that specialize in specific kayaking trips. For example, in Florida I partook in a marsh kayaking trip that focused on local ecological life along tranquil waters.


I’ve been snorkeling twice in my life (thus far) and both times were in Mexico. Unlike the waters I’m used to back home on the East Coast, the oceans running through Mexico are close to crystal clear, making snorkeling a perfect way to see all the color underneath the surface. While I’m claustrophobic, after a little practice, I felt comfortable breathing through the mask. There is also a motor machine that whips you through the reefs at a faster pace.

Horseback Riding

I used to horseback ride when I was younger and I’ve always wanted to take a ride along the beach. Instead of joining one of the many tourist-filled walks offered throughout Mexico, I decided to sign up with a local company. Beginning with a walk through the ranch, our horses began galloping once we hi the beach. In all my riding classes, I never learned to gallop so this was definitely an unexpected surprise.


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