This is my own version of a traditional Ecuadorian drink called colada morada, served on the ” finados ” holiday, that takes place at the beginning of November. This drink is made with purple corn flour, differentes types of berries, fruits, spices , herbs, and a red flower called sangoracha, where the black amaranth comes from.
A healthy drink, it is typically served hot with a ” guagua de pan ” which are little doe dolls decorated with colors, it is a family activity to prepare it. I wanted to add some modernity to this delicious beverage, I called it Colada Morada’s Creme Brulee. I also replaced the “guagua de pan ” with a gold feuilletine bisquit. It had the shape of an Inca’s sun.

Rodrigo Pacheco is a top-notch Ecuadorian chef who bases half his time in Quito and the other half in Banos, where he prepares meals made from fresh organic ingredients at Casa del Abuelo Art Hotel & Restaurant. He is also the executive chef at Cuisine Standard in Quito.
He has studied with some of the best, including Madrid Fusión in Spain, Alain Ducasse Formation in Paris, the Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, France, and the Instituto Inacap in Santiago, Chile among others.
He has done a Government Cultural Exchange in Canada and the Masters of Food and Wine tour of the world in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
representing Ecuador as an invited chef. Rodrigo was also a Culinary radio show host on Saberes y Sabores.