It is always nice to learn from my good friend, the Chef Georges Pralus, one of the most influent chefs in the world. He invented the Sous Vide 40 years ago, he also installed the HACCP system into the hospitality world, he developed the vacum packing machines that we use these days, the vapor ovens, the digital needle thermometers, the VAPO SAVEUR system and, several other great inventions. He trained more than 8 thousand chefs from all over the world, including all the famous ones. Chef Pralus is now a consultant for Cuisine Standard, we have been working together in the last 4 years. This time I did a certification as a sous vide professor, in his lab in Briennon where he invented and developed the Sous Vide. It was a unique experience with a great chef and person. One week of preparing and eating so well. It will be hard to forget.

Rodrigo Pacheco is a top-notch Ecuadorian chef who bases half his time in Quito and the other half in Banos, where he prepares meals made from fresh organic ingredients at Casa del Abuelo Art Hotel & Restaurant. He is also the executive chef at Cuisine Standard in Quito.
He has studied with some of the best, including Madrid Fusión in Spain, Alain Ducasse Formation in Paris, the Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, France, and the Instituto Inacap in Santiago, Chile among others.
He has done a Government Cultural Exchange in Canada and the Masters of Food and Wine tour of the world in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
representing Ecuador as an invited chef. Rodrigo was also a Culinary radio show host on Saberes y Sabores.