After a long trip back from Chile, I wanted to prepare something easy and new, and I found some beef tongue and some sweet potato from the Andes called “Camote .” I made some tannic red wine jelly and a fig vinaigrette to go with my slow cooked tongue, and I added herbs and a garlic touch to this sweet potato “cigar ,” which I finally rolled on a pumpkin seed gomasio.

Rodrigo Pacheco is a top-notch Ecuadorian chef who bases half his time in Quito and the other half in Banos, where he prepares meals made from fresh organic ingredients at Casa del Abuelo Art Hotel & Restaurant. He is also the executive chef at Cuisine Standard in Quito.
He has studied with some of the best, including Madrid Fusión in Spain, Alain Ducasse Formation in Paris, the Institut Paul Bocuse in Lyon, France, and the Instituto Inacap in Santiago, Chile among others.
He has done a Government Cultural Exchange in Canada and the Masters of Food and Wine tour of the world in Buenos Aires, Argentina,
representing Ecuador as an invited chef. Rodrigo was also a Culinary radio show host on Saberes y Sabores.