When the first instalment of Bridget Jones’s Diary hit the cinemas people around the world were quickly endeared towards the frumpy, awkward thirty-something whose sense of self-worthlessness could be easily related to. Now it seems the funny Brit is back for a third time.
Women 24 reports that the Queen of embarrassment” will be appearing on the big screens again soon, much to the excitement of many. She’s single, thirty, can’t fit into a size eight and has serious love issues, much like the larger portion of the population which might explain why the two previous films did so well. Bridget Jones’s Diary raked in more than $166 million dollars worldwide according to Renee’s Fansite, and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason took in about $40 200 000 at the Box Office.
Lead female, Renee Zellweger was apparently hesitant to sign up for the third instalment in the beloved comedy series but when she was assured she would not have to add on the extra pounds she agreed. A source revealed to Women 24 that Zellweger fervently hated getting fat for the first two movies so was only happy to come onboard for the third film once she was sure she would not have to go through that again.
While I can understand that getting fat isn’t the most fun for a Hollywood actress it makes me sad to think that the bubbly, comfy Bridget Jones won’t be her plump self again, I mean who can deny that the “granny pants” scene in Bridget Jones’s Diary was quite hilarious? Will Miss Jones still be as funny and charming if she’s drop-dead gorgeous?
And it seems we’ll all have to wait some time before we can determine that; Ace Show Biz reported that the official title or release date hadn’t been confirmed in 2009 because filming was scheduled to begin at the end of 2010. we still have heard nothing.
All the ladies will be swooning to know that both leading actors, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant are also set to sign up, meaning lots of eye-candy and hopefully some kind of hilarity in Miss Jones’s life-blunders when it comes to her love-life.
The script is said to explore theme of growing older (Bridget is now in her forties), marriage and having kids, something that Firth is excited to explore within the film. So if Bridget does fall pregnant who do you think the father will be?
Image by Kolja Hub via WikiCommons.

Jade Scully is a copywriter excited about writing copy and stories, blogging about the world and editing. She currently and regularly publishes her stories on a number of blogs. Jade loves animals and hopes to begin writing copy for the animal rescue charity TEARS as her contribution to the cause.