Growing Vegetables Indoors.

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It seems the country is getting a serious case of green thumb. According to a survey by the National Gardeners Association, the industry is predicting a nearly 20% jump in the number of home gardens in 2009. Due to economic decline and the rise of sickness associated with vegetables, it is no wonder there is a do it yourself growing phenomenon. Planting your own vegetable garden can save a whopping $1,200 worth of food according to Burpee Seeds.

However, for  millions of Americans outdoor gardening is not an option, due to lack of space and time. There are many opportunities for indoor gardening and apartment living. These can be both beneficial and enjoyable.

Indoor using Hydroponics/Aeroponics

Hydroponics is the method of growing plants without soil using nutrients, water and light. Aeroponics is a type of Hydroponics method of growing plants.  Ideally, this is great for busy bodies who do not have time or the resources. There are many different products available for purchase, these range in price and size. Aerogarden is an exceptionally popular product due to its convenience and price tag. This machine can grow everything from vegetables to plants depending on your preference. The planting process is relatively easy. Purchase the seed kits you wish to plant. Place the seed containers into the machine then add nutrients and water. Choose its appropriate setting and wait and watch as your plants start to grow. The machine will indicate if more water or nutrients need to be added.  It’s as simple as that.  Approximately six weeks, the plants reach full bloom, ready for your enjoyment. A huge benefit of growing with hydroponics is that plants can be easily transferred after bloom; saving both time and money.

Making good use of space

Any size balcony, terrace or patio can be used for planting with large pots, large containers and hanging pots. This is a relatively cheap way to obtain a garden feel. Self-watering plastic planters are an excellent way of saving water and time, due to their water reservoir. Make sure your plants get sufficient sunlight; position before planting making sure enough sunlight is penetrating. Before you start ensure the strength of your balcony or terrace before hanging any large weight. Be careful about drainage; neighbors might not want your excess water.

Earth-boxes are an easy way to grow vegetables with very little attention. Size and price may vary, but a huge perk of owning an Earth-box is it conserves both water and fertilizer.  If you do not have access to a balcony or terrace then window boxes can be colorful and durable. Only certain vegetables grow abundantly in window boxes such as tomatoes, broccoli, gourds and carrots. Herbs and lettuce can grow successfully.

Planting on Roofs

The roof can be an amazing place to garden. Using the same technique of growing plants on balconies but you have the added advantage of extra space.  Roofs also have a huge potential for vegetation. Large potted plants with creeping vines can be functional and create a place of sanctuary and serenity.

Cheaper options

Plants can grow in anything as long as they have proper light, water, soil, air and fertilizer. Cheaper options such as milk containers and recyclable pots can be equally rewarding. Create labels with Popsicle sticks to indicate what seeds have been planted.

Growing you own garden can be an enjoyable experience. There is nothing more rewarding then to plant some seeds and watch it grow into a plant. Plants do not provide only vegetables, fruits and flowers but oxygen. They are a wonderful way of defusing pollution and can cheer up a space.

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