There will be more Internet-connected mobile devices such as smartphones and 3G tablets than people in the world before the end of the year, according to new research.
I don’t think that research is comparing apples with oranges. How many unused smartphones and tablets are lying in dusty drawers were counted in this survey? If we’re going to say they outnumber humans, surely we should be counting corpses as well?
Photo credit: Guy Kawasaki

Ewan Spence is a blogger, author and writer based out of Edinburgh, Scotland. In addition to his own blog, he has contributed and contributes to BBC News, BBC Magazine (online), The Stage (UK Arts and Entertainment Newspaper), Computing (VNU), iProng Magazine, IT Pro, O’Reilly’s Make Magazine, Palmtop Magazine, Podcast User Magazine, UK Tech and UK Mobile Blognation, PDA Essentials, Mobile Messaging 2.0 and All About Symbian.
He wrote the book Rapid Mobile Enterprise Development for Symbian OS and has audio program commissions for BBC Radio 5 Live – Through the Night and Pods and Blogs, Computer Outlook Talk Radio Show and Talk 107. He also regularly speaks at and moderates panels at high profile technology conferences around the world.