The landlord of my studio just presented me with eight black bin bags of fabric samples, for me to sort through and do as I please with.
I rummaged through and grabbed everything lace, geometric, black and white, and deliriously printed, so now have lots of bits of jazzy cloth, that I’m not entirely sure what I’m doing with yet. I may well be stitching some frilly/print-happy detailing on a few of the more neglected items of my wardrobe, as well as mustering up some detachable collars, bow ties and neck ties.
Expect to see lots of botched DIY up-cycling jobs appearing soon.

Rosa Abbott is an arts, fashion and culture obsessive originating from Yorkshire, England, and currently living in Dublin, Ireland. On top of being a student at the illustrious Trinity College, she is a freelance journalist, writing for a number of Irish publications, and also edits the visual arts section of entertainment magazine Totally Dublin.
When she’s not up to her eyeballs in writing, Rosa works as an assistant to stylist Aisling Farinella and volunteers at various art galleries. Her musings on life, style and art can also be found over at her blog, Too Gallant.