Greetings from Chamonix. If you can close your eyes and imagine yourself in the clouds, surrounded by stunning snow-capped peaks, you’ll be just a little close to what I’ve experienced in Chamonix. I use the word breathtaking perhaps too liberally, but if anything does justice to the word, Chamonix does it.
A postcard valley surrounded by the French Alps on all sides, Chamonix teased us with surreal views of Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps and every mountaineer’s dream. We took an almost vertical cable car & gondola ride up to Mont Brevent, and I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. I’ve not seen anything so spectacular in my life before.
Chamonix is where mountaineering tourism originated, back in the early 1900s, and the concept of responsible travel came into being. It’s no wonder that Chamonix’s original beauty remains so preserved to this day.

Shivya Nath is an Indian girl who fell in love with traveling, writing and social media. The first is the most thrilling, because being from a protective Indian family means every travel plan comes with a small battle. She says, “I’m not complaining. At my age, few from my hometown have traveled as much and as independently as me.”
She juggles work, travel and blogging, until she finds the perfect blend of the three. Join her on her journeys around the world, as she seeks the most untouched, undiscovered of places that few have been to, and even fewer have written out.