Are You A Keeper?

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As George Carlin opined – we all have stuff. Today that stuff is more than old textbooks, collectibles, souvenirs, clothes, watches, cuff links, ties and scarves. Today ‘stuff’ includes volumes and volumes of data.

How much data do you deal with every day?

How much data do you need to have available?

How much data do you want?

How much data do you want to discard?

I have moved several times in my life. Every time I have made a place of residence move I have discarded lots of stuff before the actual move date. Then, and I am not alone in this, after a few days in my new location the discarding process starts up again. This means that I moved stuff that I did not want and I went through the efforts and costs of moving it anyway.

Let’s focus on data stuff. How much data is stored on your hard drive(s)? You may need to actually look at the contents of your hard drive to see. Have some fun – sort the contents of a few folders by date. How much is in there from _______ (you fill in the blank).

Sure there are photos and the first emails from your children and grandchildren. How much of the documents, images, PowerPoint presentations, early drafts and so on are still there taking up space in your computer’s closet? If you are a keeper, the first step of this program is to admit how much you keep. Go ahead, be honest, you are either a public or private keeper.

Accumulate translates to suffocate. Memories, pictures, family archival information is important. Just because you have a 1 terabyte drive, does not mean it has to be filled with stuff from the 20th century. The retention of all this extra will slow down any search through your files, add costs to online storage, and bother you when you cannot remember anything about the file by its name.

Your goal is to make life better for yourself. Consequently, at least annually, make the effort to go through your hard drive files and let go. Your mantra – documents, programs and leftover junk be gone. Keep what you must or think you must. Do not get stuck in the quicksand of superfluous data.

Your getting unstuck coach

Richard Oppenheim

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