The Mystic Music Of Islam: Sufi Traditions

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Following is a link to a 50-minute film by William Dalrymple. Introduced to it by Folk Punjab, the film is a personal journey that he undertook into the mystical and musical side of Islam as he charts traditions of Sufi music in Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, India and Morocco. Travel to these exotic destinations has been a long-held desire of mine. One day, Insha’allah…

The Mystic Music of Islam

For hundreds of millions of Sufi followers worldwide, music is at the heart of their tradition and a way of getting closer to God. From the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey to the qawwali music of Pakistan, Sufism has produced some of the world’s most spectacular music celebrated by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Dalrymple’s film traces the shared roots of Christianity and Islam in the Middle East and discovers Sufism to be a peaceful, tolerant and pluralistic bastion against fundamentalism. It includes footage of performances by Youssou N’Dour, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Mercan Dede, Abida Parveen, Sain Zahoor, Galata Mevlevi Ensemble, Kudsi Erguner, Goonga and Mithu Sain, Junoon and Abdennbi Zizi.



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