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A. Christian Karlsson is half Swedish, half Norwegian; and spent his childhood in Sweden, Norway and Belgium. He also lived in the United States for five-and-a-half years. A few of his titles include: father, husband, Latter-day Saint (Mormon), member of the PTA, Chair for the chapter of his alumni, and Corporal of the National Guard (Heimevernet). Christian is also an avid Mac-user, a decent bass, and a seasoned freelance simultaneous interpreter. He is fluent in four languages. He skis, reads, doodles and cooks. And sometimes, he blogs.
Most of his career has been in the fields of international marketing and leadership. Presently, he is the Director of Sales and Marketing for a Nutraceutical company. He serves as the Vice Chair for the Board of the Association of Herbal Manufacturers in Norway.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in Communications with a Public Relations Emphasis, and his MBA, Marketing Major, from Brigham Young University.
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