Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been borderline obsessed with marine mammals but I certainly wasn’t unique in that sense; many children dream of becoming marine biologists when they grow up. In fact, for a good...
By Jessica Festa on March 27, 2016 in Argentina, Asia, Buenos Aires, Caribbean, Central America, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Europe, India, Israel, Middle East, Photos, South America, Spain, Tel Aviv
Yoga is a great way to enhance other sporting and fitness activities that you do - and it brings a mindfulness to your life. It's important to slow down and be present and aware, all...
New Yorkers and other urban dwellers are busy people, let’s face it. According to the New York Post, they are even too busy to chew their food. Thus here are three lazy dinner options that every...
We decided to head from Tokyo to Kyoto in style on the bullet train. We had booked our JR Pass before we left the states, but we decided to upgrade to first class. One word of advice here...
“How about a quickie?” a friend had grinned cheekily, emboldened by Dutch courage brought about by more than a few sun-downers. “Why not!” I’d breezed back similarly high-spirited. “Pick a place then!” came his excited...
I just celebrated my birthday bitching about how much I hate my 40’s. I might not be ok with aging, but there is someone who is. No, I’m not talking about thedancing 106 year old woman who met...
Have you ever been to a hotel that enchanted you? That enveloped you in an atmosphere completely apart from the world you left behind? That made you feel like a different version of yourself? That’s how...
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