Check out our piece today for Associated Content called "10 Volunteer Vacation Opportunities in Africa". In this piece we outline several ways for people to spend a "volunteer vacation" from a week...
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I had the pleasure of chatting with and listening to Or Matias on piano at this year's Israel Conference. Listen to his story and his music....
There must be a lot of people considering doing the Precipice Trail in Acadia National Park again this summer. From our New stat numbers it is the most popular outdoor “hike” in America. We...
During our trip to Anchorage last week, we spent an afternoon exploring the Anchorage Museum, a modern, glass and chrome structure in the heart of downtown Anchorage. We had the rare treat of having both...
There has been a lot of buzz over the past week or so highlighting Willow Garage's PR2 Graduation, where 11 robots will be given away to to 10 universities worldwide, with the 11th going to...
I was beautiful. The very cold, round rocks were slipping under my feet. The freezing Maine morning had risen, and my nightgown was like a new garment to me: I was beautiful. I was twelve.
If you would like to follow along and read about what we did on our first day, you should view this article. We had dinner at the Roma Hotel in Khonkaen.
Our meal started out with...
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