A garage door at the corner of Juniper and Florist Streets resembles the pattern of the Denmark flag....
I looked at Julian Serrano for an event in Las Vegas recently. The restaurant is located inside the relatively new Aria Hotel along the strip. Award-winning chef Julian Serrano stretches the boundaries of small plates and...
In my Twitter stream this morning from an Irish entrepreneur I was introduced to on my recent trip to Dublin. It just made me laugh. The things people need or think they need on Twitter....
I lost a bet and this was the consequence. Pick any insect of my choice and gobble it down. Hmmm…would it be the small goo-filled meal worms or the hard shelled Twinkie-sized beetles? I went...
Jon Stewart from the Daily Show organized a Rally to Restore Sanity on Oct. 30 in DC. I wish I could of been there.. But at least I can watch the 2 moms in a...
Who should read it: educators, parents and commercial/social entrepreneurs. Author: Tony Wagner.
Global Achievement Gap is an excellent book on the challenges and potential solutions in today’s education system. Tony Wagner sees a major gap between what...
After leaving Central America, we flew to San Juan and spent a couple of days in Puerto Rico. It was a little strange at first. It was a comforting and appropriate transition in that...
It was always going to take something special for us to leave the idyllic surroundings of Jasmine Valley but after nearly a week of basking in its natural beauty, bathing in its rain water pool...
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