Want to do do something incredible in Lima, Peru? Put your fears aside and try parasailing off the beautiful cliffs in Miraflores, located in Peru’s capital. For me, it was the most unforgettable experience, challenging & overcoming fears and creating something I’ll remember the rest of my life. As our feet lifted off the ground and I felt that first sensation of flying, I felt the most overwhelming sense of freedom! The experience was exhilarating to the extent, words cannot accurately describe.
Flying high.
Safely, flying high:
As you can see, it was safe and if you choose to try it, I assure you, you will not regret your choice. The pilots are fabulous and flying tandem felt safe and secure. Hands down, the most incredible way to experience the Miraflores skyline.
Lima Peru is surrounded by varied and vast landscapes including desert dunes, sky scrapers, and beaches. You will glide over the 6 mile stretch of Malecon, lining the cliffs of the Pacific Ocean. Fly over the famous parque del amor and feel rejuvenated. Nature lovers will find themselves experiencing the ultimate magic in the valley of Pachacamac. The views are absolutely inspiring and definitely a worth a ride!
Is parasailing Safe?
It’s safe. You don’t have to be an expert or even a practiced flyer. The tandem flights make it simple for anyone to to let go of their fears and have the most incredible experience over the beautiful city of Lima. Flying in tandem with your instructor means you get to enjoy your flight while your trainer is responsible for handling the glider.
Let go of your fears, and have an experience that will change your perspective!
Music for video provided by Josh Woodward/CC license.

Lainie Liberti is a recovering branding expert, who’s career once focused on creating campaigns for green – eco business, non-profits and conscious business. Dazzling clients with her high-energy designs for over 18 years, Lainie lent her artistic talents to businesses that matter. But that was then.
In 2008, after the economy took a turn, Lainie decided to be the change (instead of a victim) and began the process of “lifestyle redesign,” a joint decision between both her and her 11-year-old son, Miro. They sold or gave away all of of their possessions in 2009 and began a life of travel, service, and exploration. Lainie and her son Miro began their open-ended adventure backpacking through Central and South America. They are slow traveling around the globe allowing inspiration to be their compass. The pair is most interested in exploring different cultures, contributing by serving, and connecting with humanity as ‘global citizens.’
Today Lainie considers herself a digital nomad who is living a location independent life. She and her son write and podcast their experiences from the road at Raising Miro on the Road of Life.