It’s time for our latest book finds for the winter season. As we all go inward now and reflect on the year past, it’s a great time for some metaphysical reading. The book suggestions below dive into the mystical and magical world of healing, history, spirituality, enlightenment, consciousness and even the Cosmos.
The Physicist & the Philosopher by Jimena Canales
I’ve always loved art, films and books that explore both the right and left brains of humanity — where creativity meets the intellect. The Physicist and the Philosopher by Canales is one of those books.
The book takes you back in time to 1922 in Paris, when Albert Einstein and Henri Bergson publicly debated the nature of time.
At that time you see, Einstein considered Bergson’s theory of time to be a soft, psychological notion, irreconcilable with the quantitative realities of physics. And we all know that Einstein always reflected back to the laws of physics when trying to make sense of the world and why he had such a hard time with newly discovered quantum theories at the time.
Bergson argued that time should not be understood exclusively through the lens of science and that Einstein’s theory of time ignored the intuitive aspects of time. This historical debate shifted humanity’s understanding of time which was but one of many events that divided those on the side of science and those on the side of philosophy, mysticism and the arts.
The book explores American pragmatism, logical positivism, phenomenology, and quantum mechanics and how new advancements in technology and other areas of science continued to keep things (issues and viewpoints) very polarized much of what continues today. Curious about time, the meaning of time and the different perspectives of time, then this is a great read for you. Historians will also find it riveting.
Find it over on Amazon.
The Heart Path Oracle Cards by Nadine Gordon-Taylor
We love this intuitive oracle deck which is vividly illustrated with images of animals and esoteric symbols along with channeled messages of Universal love. It makes a great holiday gift or any token of appreciation. The Heart Path includes 53 full-color cards and a 128-page full-color guidebook.
If you’re into sacred geometry, art, culture and especially curious about symbolism, you’ll receive a channeled message of love, and an affirmation for each of these riveting cards.
If you’re an animal lover, you’ll love the connection to the various animals represented in this deck, from deer, bison, bluebirds, and ladybugs to platypus, ferns, ankhs, and the Tree of Life. They are soulful and beautifully illustrated throughout.
She includes birds, insects, plants, esoteric symbols, and transformative myths from around the world — think of the deck and accompanied book as a gateway into the path of the heart, which is where Spirit works best.
Cards are a great way to connect you to your higher consciousness. The author explains how to use the cards intuitively in order to uncover unconscious emotional patterns, and help to shift us from old ways of thinking, so we may better resonate with the vibration of unconditional love. Cards include Programming Your Highest Intentions, Vision Questing, Karmic Forgiveness, Spiritual DNA, and Melody of Thought.
Designed to be felt rather than intellectually experienced, the symbols on the cards offer profound insights to help you along your path.
Grab this deck over on Amazon.
Quotable Einstein by Alice Calaprice
I’ve been curious about this incredible book for awhile now so was so excited when it finally landed on our doorstep. You can gain so much insight into the powerful intuitive ‘downloads’ from quotes – like Rumi, Einstein’s quotes have a way of uncovering hidden truths within you at a soul level. This incredible collection of Einstein quotations that has been translated into twenty-five languages features 1,600 quotes.
This paperback edition includes sections unique to the ultimate collection–“On and to Children,” “On Race and Prejudice,” and “Einstein’s Verses: A Small Selection”–as well as a chronology of Einstein’s life and accomplishments. Also included is a foreward by Freeman Dyson who I’ve had the opportunity to meet twice in my life — an amazing man.
While some of his shorter quotes are known and easily found on the web, some of his more profound and longer ones are not.
From 1953: “We all are nourished and housed by the work of our fellowman and we have to pay honestly for it not only by the work we have chosen for the sake of our inner satisfaction but by work which, according to general opinion, serves them. Otherwise we become parasites, however modest our needs may be.”
And then there’s this one:
“In matters concerning truth and justice, there can be no distinction between big problems and small; for the general principles which determine the conduct of men are indivisible. Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important affairs.”
And from 1949, so perfect for today.
“The crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship material success as a preparation for his future career.”
Hear hear.
Published by Princeton University Press, you can also find it on Amazon.
Einstein & the Quantum by A. Douglas Stone
If you haven’t noticed, we’re fans of all things Einstein over here. This riveting read I finished in four days. Stone’s book is the untold story of Albert Einstein’s role as the father of quantum theory.
Einstein and the Quantum reveals Einstein‘s contributions to quantum theory.
In all the books I’ve read on quantum theory, mechanics and physics, Einstein is of course mentioned. After all, he hung out in Bohr’s circles for years and was among the top physicists at the time. Challenged by some of the quantum revelations of the time, people don’t realize that behind the scenes, he played an integral and important role in quantum theory and its development.
Einstein and the Quantum does an incredible job pinpointing the moments where this is true.
Because Einstein was so known for his saying that “God does not play dice”, he has been downplayed in the quantum world. Stone argues however that he thought more about the nature of atoms, molecules, and the emission and absorption of light―the core of what we now know as quantum theory―than he did about relativity.
A compelling blend of physics, biography, and the history of science, Einstein and the Quantum shares the untold story of how Einstein―not Max Planck or Niels Bohr―was the driving force behind early quantum theory. You see, Einstein’s later work on the emission and absorption of light, and on atomic gases, led directly to Erwin Schrödinger’s breakthrough to the modern form of quantum mechanics. And, the author points to multiple more examples as well. It is done eloquently and with beautiful storytelling throughout that will appeal equally to the scientist and the artist.
A great narrative and perspective on the scientific achievements uncover how Einstein’s contributions to the development of quantum theory are perhaps even more important than his work on relativity.
Grab it over on Amazon.
Remote Healing by Maria Sagi, Ph.D.
Ahhh yes, this is a wonderful yet practical guide to the Sagi method of healing across space and time.
We now know that space and time isn’t what we think it is despite the fact that we can’t get our heads around it in linear ways.
It is this quantum revelation and beyond about space and time and our place “in it” that allows the magic of remote healing to occur. Why? Because this ‘quantum’ healing of energy in ‘unseen’ grids and fields that make up the human body can happen in a nonlocal way.
We receive modern language for what the ancient sages always knew — even if they didn’t refer to the crystalline grid and Akashic Records in ancient India, we know now that all humans can interact with the Akashic information field to diagnose and treat illnesses nonlocally and that the results and effects are proven again and again despite the fact that mainstream science still doesn’t universally recognize it.
This great read with a forward by Ervin Laszlo details techniques for diagnosing and transferring healing information at a distance, using geometric symbols to treat acute infections and reduce pain, and integrating information medicine with homeopathy and chakra therapy.
For those new to the concept of remote healing, think of it as healing over space and time or “nonlocal healing,” which is particularly useful now that many of us are working (and studying from) home since the Covid lockdowns and restrictions the world has been experiencing since March 2020.
Once deemed as a mystical technique reserved for powerful shamans, sages and ancient gurus, we now know that we can all learn how to do remote healing — rather than the magic that we used to perceive, it is rather science, as biologists like Bruce Lipton has written about and Dr. Joe Dispenza speaks of regularly on the Gaia channel.
The author speaks of the cosmic information that truly underlies the whole physical world, including the human body. We also learn about energy pioneers in this area such as Erich Körbler, Gordon Flint, and Franz Stern among others.
Maria Sagi demonstrates that by working with the Akashic information field in the quantum field, we can trigger the body’s self-healing mechanisms and restore order to our health and well-being.
Find it on Amazon.
Cultivating Your Microbiome by Bridgette Shea
We hear it all the time, especially around the holiday season when many of us don’t always eat in a healthy and holistic way. We fall out of routine and into heavier foots, sugars and carbs. This great holistic guide offers practical ways to improve your gut flora for better physical and emotional health.
The book takes a look at the influence of the gut microbiome and the mesentery on all other bodily systems, especially the brain and immune system.
As well, the guide explains the central role of the digestive system in Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine and how these systems treat the microbiome.
Taking a natural approach, we also receive herbal remedies, acupuncture and acupressure techniques, as well as some helpful dietary methods to restore balance to the gut flora.
We also learn why this is important and how it can transform how you feel, your levels of energy and beyond.
Not everyone in the west knows this but in the east, it is much more common. For example, in Indian Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, the digestive system and microbiome are recognized as the foundation for health and well-being. Our internal flora influences our immune system, brain function, hormonal balance, cravings, sleep, mood, inflammatory response, digestion, nutrient assimilation, and elimination.
Bridgette Shea explores digestive functioning from the perspectives of both Western science and traditional medicine. She examines Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine principles on digestion and constitution types as well as how having a healthy cut transforms everything else — everything is interconnected and when we have a healthy gut, there is better support for our internal organs, muscles and tissues.
Find it on Amazon.
The Last Refuge of the Knights Templar by William F. Mann
I was so intrigued by the title of this modern-day thriller, which is centered on authentic historical letters encoded with Templar and Rosicrucian secrets. Say what?
Exactly – I had to know more. This fascinating read by William F. Mann includes the actual text of recently discovered correspondence between two famous 19th-century Masonic leaders, Albert Pike and Colonel J. W. B. MacLeod Moore.
What is the significance of the Pike letters?
These letters were protected for a reason. At the time, they risked their lives to protect the letters and the Templar and Rosicrucian secrets encoded within them.
What was uncovered was that the Church, the White House, the Confederate sympathizers and the KKK, among others sought knowledge that would allow a singular entity to control the world and bring all of the great religions to their knees.
Among other insights, we gain knowledge into the Scottish Rite Freemasonry as well as the inner circles of modern-day Freemasonry, and the revelations of ancient alliances between Native Americans and the Templars. Also explored is the treasure of the Templars, including sacred knowledge of the Holy Family–the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
Buy it on Amazon.
C.G. Jung on Synchronicity
I’ve always been intrigued by Jung even before I was schooled in Europe during my college years. Of course when you study in Europe, Jung rises to the top of the reading pile moreso than it might had I stayed in the United States.
Jung spoke of coincidences or one might say synchronicity often and discussed it publicly as well as in his writings. He also wrote about it and discussed these ideas with Albert Einstein before World War I.
From the various books I read, it seemed as if it rose to the forefront more publicly after 1930 — this was the first time he used “synchronicity” in a lecture, in reference to the unusual psychological insights generated from consulting the I Ching.
There were letters written not just to Einstein but also to a friend of both Einstein and Jung: Nobel Prize-winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli who was among the dialogue and gatherings of the time on quantum theory and physics.
These ideas of Jung were originally published in 1952 and reproduced here in this fabulous read. It is a beautiful recap of the astrological experiment which Jung conducted to test his theory.
Synchronicity reveals the full extent of Jung’s research into a wide range of psychic phenomena. Buy it on Amazon.
Elemental Magic by Nigel Pennick
Magic with a c not with a k or a ck as was so often used to describe mystical powers, rituals and beyond. We learn here in this wonderful read by Nigel Pennick how to use the principles and practices of natural magic for personal development and spiritual empowerment.
Now that the world is more ready to except that we as human beings are energy and that everything in our Cosmos is energy, perhaps we are more willing as a society to except that rather than elemental magic as being off-limits or impossible, that we can all tap into its power by embracing the natural world.
This book offers detailed descriptions of the magical properties of minerals, animals, plants, and the earth’s cycles and how to use them in your own practice regardless of where you hail from. In other words, whether you’re a holistic healer or simply want to use it for healing yourself, this guide is a useful addition to your library.
Often historically told in the context of shamans and ancient sages and mages, Pennick simplifies the magical laws of nature so you too can guide your inner energy to work in concert with cosmic energies. We all have this ability.
From creating your own altars, ceremonies, mantra, meditations and talismans, you are guided through the process so you can customize what works best for you.
He incorporates European rural folk magic traditions, to show how we can all draw on the magic inherent in the natural world. He explains how people throughout the centuries have built a relationship with the elemental energies around them using simple, everyday practices in order to attune themselves to nature, the seasons, and the cosmos for magical purposes. — from earth, mineral and plant magic as well as the cycles of the Earth (and the Cosmos itself).
In the context of energy, we also learn about the connection between the inner world of the mind and spirit, the outer world, and the otherworldly.
Here’s the link to order.
The Origins and History of Consciousness by Erich Neumann
The Origins and History of Consciousness draws on a full range of world mythology to show how individual consciousness undergoes the same archetypal stages of development as human consciousness as a whole.
Those who are new to the mystical world of higher consciousness and dimensions, you’ll find this read fascinating.
I’ve read quite a bit about Erich Neumann because he comes up frequently in readings of Einstein and C. G. Jung, as he was one of Jung’s most renowned students.
You learn about the magical myths of the World Creation, Great Mother, Separation of the World Parents, Birth of the Hero, Slaying of the Dragon, Rescue of the Captive, and Transformation and Deification of the Hero. Throughout the sequence, the Hero is the evolving ego consciousness.
Whether you’re a historian, scientist, philosopher, artist or healer, you’ll find this analysis into the origins of consciousness compelling. We had a hard time putting it down.
Now more than ever, we are exploring the inner and outer workings of the soul, the human body (and energy fields), life after death and consciousness itself. As humanity wakes up more to the inner power of the mind, our intentions of thought and our own ability to heal ourselves and others, we also see how the Butterfly Effect (or ripple effect) of our thoughts can be used. It’s a must read for your expansion of universal consciousness itself.
Here’s the link to order.
Halakhah by Chaim N. Saiman
This intriguing read explores how the rabbis of the Talmud transformed Jewish law into a way of thinking and talking about everything.
Historians and religious scholars are likely aware of Halakhah, which is typically translated as “Jewish law,” however the word itself: halakhah is not an easy match for what is usually thought of as law. This is because the rabbinic legal system has rarely wielded the political power to enforce its rules, nor has it ever been the law of any state.
And if you’ve ever gone deep into the world of the Rabbinic idea of law, you learn that it is much more complex than you might imagine.
While halakhah may be seen as “the way” to bring a person closer to God, where did it come from?
The author Chaim N. Saiman traces how generations of rabbis have used concepts forged in talmudic disputation to do the work that other societies assign not only to philosophy, political theory, theology, and ethics but also to art, drama, and literature.
Rather than halakhah being just “law” it is more of an entire way of thinking, being, and knowing.
Here’s the link to order.
Sacred Energies of the Sun & Moon by Erika Buenaflor
We love books on the sun and the moon — why? Because all of us are affected by it regardless of whether we understand the affect of their power or not.
Shamans and our indigenous ancestors knew these natural laws well and followed the cycles of life. They honored the cycles of life and they honored the elements in nature.
This great read details shamanic rituals and practices for each period of the day, including dawn, sunrise, noon, sunset, and midnight, to best harness the energies of the sun, night sun, and moon for specific purposes, such as divination, journeying with animal spirit guides, or spiritual wisdom.
What’s fun about this book is that you can follow along through the seasons and develop your own rituals as you see fit that are in alignment with these seasons and cycles.
The book also incorporates shamanic breathwork, dreamwork, mantra chanting, mudras, dancing and movement, toning, chakra work, crystals, herbs, and limpias (shamanic cleanses), the latter of which very few know much about.
You see, ancient Mesoamerican shamans and modern practitioners of curanderismo–a Latin American shamanic healing practice–divide each day and night into distinct periods based on the sacred rhythms of the sun and moon, with each time offering opportunities to connect with specific celestial energies for healing and transformation. While they weren’t the only ones who possessed this knowledge, the author draws upon their practices and culture to teach us these sacred ways.
Buenaflor’s guide to working with the sacred energies of the sun, night sun, and moon also provides us with powerful sacred tools and techniques that we can use for harnessing solar and lunar energies.
We learn rituals we can incorporate into our own lives for dawn, sunrise, and midmorning to harness the energies of creation and new beginnings. For example, using rituals from noon and afternoon to promote peak strength and spiritual wisdom; for sunset and dusk to bring about transformation, perform divination, and journey with animal spirit guides; and for midnight and predawn to facilitate shamanic dreamwork, connect with the ancestors, make offerings, and regenerate at the deepest levels.
Here’s the link to order.
The Alchemy of Stones by Robert Simmons
If you’ve been reading us for awhile, you know that we love our gemstones and crystals over here, not just because of their powerful energy to heal but for incorporating them into our daily lives to create harmony where we spend most of our time.
This beautifully illustrated guide assists with personal and planetary healing and enlightenment provides intuitive examples that others have used to create balance and inner transformation.
Also included are meditative practices with specific stones to go with each stage of the alchemical transformation process as well as other tools and techniques.
And, there’s a dictionary as well which summarizes the spiritual qualities of more than 375 different minerals, crystals, and gemstones.
The author takes a holistic, Earth-based approach to better understand stones and their energies. In other words, you receive a simplistic yet profound framework for diving in and using stones in your own day-to-day lives.
You don’t need to be a holistic healer to use gemstones and crystals although many people feel that they don’t have the gift to incorporate them for transformative work. Simple things like using gemstones on an altar, in your kitchen or meditating with one can bring our some powerful effects.
The book also introduces us to the Divine Feminine intelligence known as Sophia, or Wisdom. The writer asserts that these Stone Beings are her emissaries, and through relating and co-creating with them, the healing and redemption of ourselves and the Earth becomes a reality.
The Alchemy of Stones takes you on a path of enlightenment, transformation, and spiritual metamorphosis.
Here’s the link to order.
The Complete Book of Dreams by Stephanie Gailing
Who hasn’t wondered about the meaning of their dreams? From children to those in their seventies, we all have dreams that we don’t understand and forever remain curious why we have them, what they suggest and how we can use them to find more inner peace and meaning in our lives.
This great read provides you with exercises and tips on how to better understand your dreams but takes it a step further.
For example, the author Stephanie Gailing gives you suggestions for what to do to go deeper into understanding your dreams and how you can use them for further awakening and enlightenment.
She provides sanctification rituals, relaxation practices and even flower essences to amplify your sense of well-being.
Think of it as a guide that can help you tap into not just more meaning behind your dreams, but why you have them and various strategies to actually decode them.
Fascinating right?
Whether you want to gift this to your loved ones or a friend, it will serve as a useful guide and talking point between you. You can even use it to help your children further connect to their sleep and dreams. The book also includes various holistic topics to help you enhance your sleep and dreams as well such as sleep hygiene principles, how to use herbs, essential oils, flower essences, and crystals to transform your place of sleep into a sleep sanctuary.
You also learn how to create a dream journal, ancient dream temples, how to understand lucid dreaming versus other forms of dreaming and more.
Here’s the link to order.
Hieroglyphic Words of Power by Normandi Ellis
This fascinating guide helps you harness the ancient power of hieroglyphs, by better understanding them as magical tools for manifesting ideas in the material world.
Beautifully illustrated throughout, you’ll learn about the meaning behind 60 hieroglyphs as well as the various guidelines for understanding them as words of power, oracles, and dream symbols.
In addition, you will learn how to create your own hieroglyph cards and amulets and use them for divination, meditation, and manifestation work – how fun right?
Words operate on many levels through both sound and symbol. Egyptian priests understood that language and thought could create realities if the exact words are uttered at the right time, properly intoned, and filled with intention. They called their magical language of hieroglyphic symbols medju neter, meaning “the Word of God.”
If you’re into Egyptian history and culture, you’ll love this read. These magical symbols were ‘said to be’ created by Isis and Thoth and were presided over by the goddess Seshet, keeper of the Akashic records. Through their chant lines and repetitions, sound vibrations, and hypnotically recurring images, hieroglyphs, such as those found inside the pyramids, were intended to activate a trancelike state that allowed the individual to ascend into the heavens and thus, riding on this incantatory language, converse with the ancestors and the Creator. It’s an incredible reference guide for those interested in the mystical sciences and magic.
Here’s the link to order.

Renee Blodgett is the founder of We Blog the World. The site combines the magic of an online culture and travel magazine with a global blog network and has contributors from every continent in the world. Having lived in 10 countries and explored nearly 80, she is an avid traveler, and a lover, observer and participant in cultural diversity.
She is also the CEO and founder of Magic Sauce Media, a new media services consultancy focused on viral marketing, social media, branding, events and PR. For over 20 years, she has helped companies from 12 countries get traction in the market. Known for her global and organic approach to product and corporate launches, Renee practices what she pitches and as an active user of social media, she helps clients navigate digital waters from around the world. Renee has been blogging for over 16 years and regularly writes on her personal blog Down the Avenue, Huffington Post, BlogHer, We Blog the World and other sites. She was ranked #12 Social Media Influencer by Forbes Magazine and is listed as a new media influencer and game changer on various sites and books on the new media revolution. In 2013, she was listed as the 6th most influential woman in social media by Forbes Magazine on a Top 20 List.
Her passion for art, storytelling and photography led to the launch of Magic Sauce Photography, which is a visual extension of her writing, the result of which has led to producing six photo books: Galapagos Islands, London, South Africa, Rome, Urbanization and Ecuador.
Renee is also the co-founder of Traveling Geeks, an initiative that brings entrepreneurs, thought leaders, bloggers, creators, curators and influencers to other countries to share and learn from peers, governments, corporations, and the general public in order to educate, share, evaluate, and promote innovative technologies.