I found this photo in my archive that I took during an expedition across Mongolia along the northern provinces. This was snapped for a moving Landcruiser. The day was mixed with squalls of rains, clearing, and then overcasts with drizzle. The sun would peer through the edge of cloud fronts and at times lighting the bottom of the overcast from across the horizon. This made for a very mixed colored sky with nice contrasting details and shadows. Unlike other shots recently posted this one is 35mm film taken with an old school Nikon and Sigma lens. In this view I especially like the turbulent blue and gray skies and how the tree looks almost like it’s aflame amid the scattering clouds. The terrain is craggy with rocks and this pace is wind swept.

Linh Vien Thai is Amerasian, born in Dalat, South Vietnam, where he continued to lived during the war. He left for the U.S. and is now an American living in Tokyo. He enjoys adventure traveling and doing what’s right to make the world a better place.