Touring Taiwan, the last stop was Kaohsiung before taking my brother John in from the states on the Dream Mall Ferris wheel.
The view from the Ferris wheel is impressive.
This is John at the food court, about to have his first “bubble” milk tea.
John had never been to a Chinese medicine store before, so we took him inside to show him how they fill the prescriptions.
Later we went to eat, and I took this mobile phone photo of the food on the table.
That evening we showed John the famous Love River.
There is a new artist community in Kaohsiung and I had never been there before. So we took John and walked around the complex. It’s built along this bike path.
To me personally, this was by far, the most interesting thing there.
A genuine World War II Japanese warplane!
Remember, Taiwan was part of Japan back then.
Of course, being a weekend, it was totally packed.
This is an animation company. They weren’t open for looking though.
I liked this wooden structure, but it wasn’t high enough for John or I to even walk under.
A living sculpture. It sure was hot that day!
Everyone likes this sculpture!
We walked past the artist area, and down towards the port.
These are Japanese-era sugar warehouses.
And this is part of what’s left of the old train depot.
We saw the strangest red temple nearby.
The ends of the tracks are still there.
This plaque tells the history of the area.
Yes, that is the name of the pier.
Now we’re entering the port area.
HC and I haven’t been here in a long time. One of the things that I like about Kaohsiung is the fact that it’s a port city.
Of course, we sat down at some place and got something to eat and drink. This is my chocolate Black Forest cake. It was quite good.
One of the many tour boats going around the harbor.
The next day, we all went to lunch at a nice little place that HC’s mother likes.
This is my won-ton soup.
As usual, we covered the table with dishes
The 85 building — from here you can see Ikea, and also Costco across the street.
We spent the day relaxing, in preparation for our East coast tour. Later that evening we visited the famous Liuhe tourist night market.
We don’t have any enroute photos because it was raining and foggy but this shot was taken with my mobile phone as we found this small place open for dinner. It was quite good and the people there were cool.
We stayed in a hot springs hotel in the Taidong area. This is the hot spring bath that was located in our private room.
This is the shower stall.
This was the second time we stayed in this room and I really enjoy it here.
The next day we set out on our journey up the coast of Taiwan. This shot is just the beginning of what we saw along the East coast. We drove through the famous Rift Valley of Taiwan. You won’t want to miss the next installments!
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Former field engineer MJ Klein now lives in Taiwan, and writes articles that primarily feature photographs of travels of MJ and wife Hui-chen, plus daily goings on in the bustling island nation of Taiwan, and other places in Asia. Articles feature people, culture, food, situations and sometimes the trials and tribulations of traveling in places such as China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Laos and of course Taiwan.