When people ask what the most memorable thing we did in Bangkok was, the first thing out of my mouth is, “Drink coffee from a food truck in an alley while wearing PJ’s*!” Ok, yes, we saw lots of amazing temples, Buddahs drenched in gold, ate at the top of the world’s highest outdoor restaurant…but none of these quite stick out so much as the coffee. (It’s the little things, no?)
Of course I had to Google this bevvy as soon as we got home to reproduce the lovely brew in our NYC apartment. If you drink your joe like I do (light and sweet, to a fault), give it a try.
Besides the coffee, the sidewalks of Bangkok are quite the moveable feast. Everywhere you looked there were vendors selling food (shocking how the entire country stays so small!)…I loaded up on the fresh fruits and ice creams, and let the hubby try the more adventurous meats-on-a-stick.
What’s the most memorable food/drink you’ve experienced during your travels? Share below!
(disclaimer: ok, they weren’t really pj’s, but in order to go inside the temples you need to be wearing long pants, so I purchased these from a street vendor, and now when I go back through that day’s photos I’m like, “By golly, I was walking around Bangkok in sleeping pants!”)

Jessica Tiare Bowen lives in the juicy Big Apple with her adorable pink-nosed chihuahua, Gillman. He’s the inspiration for her first published children’s book, “Park Avenue Pound Puppy.” The book is the combined result of her two greatest passions: pooches and penning stories.
Her passions include art, urban hikes through Manhattan, drinking coffee with 3 creams and 6 sugars, making extremely detailed itineraries and traveling to far away places, singing along to Broadway shows, Netflix movie nights, discovering incredible treasures at Goodwill and thrift stores, and listening to stories from little people under 7 and big people over 70.
She started her career as New York City Teaching Fellow, teaching elementary school and theater arts at a special education school in the South Bronx for 6 years. She is now a Special Education School Improvement Specialist working in public schools throughout New York City. She is the Editor-In-Chief of the online New York City travel magazine, Used York City. The magazine focuses on finding the best of New York…as used by New Yorkers. She is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, and an ASPCA Ambassador.