A little color.
The car rental agency is on this street in Khonkaen, known as “Sirchant Road.”
From the passenger seat:
The Laos Embassy:
A driving tour of Khonkaen:
Khonkaen has grown up quite a bit since I first went there in 2004. The traffic has more than doubled.
This is the impressive city gate.
The #1 Bar:
Later we took a walk down to the Roma Hotel and the restaurant there.
We’ve blogged on this food street before, and the restaurant is right in this area.
We walked back over to The #1 Bar after dinner, as it becomes very interesting in the evening.
Above are some of the staff of The #1 Bar.

Former field engineer MJ Klein now lives in Taiwan, and writes articles that primarily feature photographs of travels of MJ and wife Hui-chen, plus daily goings on in the bustling island nation of Taiwan, and other places in Asia. Articles feature people, culture, food, situations and sometimes the trials and tribulations of traveling in places such as China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Laos and of course Taiwan.