Caught in the Typhoon Mess in Tokyo

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I got caught in the mess caused by typhoon in Tokyo.  When my meeting finished in the Yotsuya area, I took the subway, assuming that it would be running to the station  where I usually get off, only to find that the Tokyu line had stopped.  The buses were nowhere to be found and when I did find one, there were LONG lines everywhere around the bus terminal.

I thought that it would be probably wise to stop by at some restaurant or cafe and have food, drinks etc. as we knew that typhoon would pass in few hours.  It also occurred to me  that I should probably check in at the hotel nearby and forget about going home.  But by that time, I was soaked in rain and was cold.  So I followed the LONG line of people to find the end of the line and waited for close to an hour to get on the bus.

As the line was so long, we were in the pouring rain and all soaked.  As  I was watching TV news later at home, I heard the wait time to get on the bus had extended to three hours for some of the bus lines.

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