Beijing, China; Summer Palace (頤和園) is one of my favorite places in Beijing. If you find your way there my advice is to wander around the lake. Tour groups won’t take that route and it’s mostly traversed by locals. The main palace grounds and sites are indeed amazing but at times so crowded you won’t appreciate the surroundings. The site encompasses a large lake, canals, and lotus ponds. Overlooking the compound is a majestic hill with a distinct pagoda known as longevity hill; and throughout are temples, shrines, and pavilions.
When one pictures exotic Asia, this place is the quintessential embodiment of that mystique. This shot along the route is of a marble bridge known as “Jade Belt Bridge” or “Camel Back Bridge.” It arcs high over a channel with a large circular clearing that was designed so that it gave clearance to an imperial dragon boat. I shot this towards the end of the day when I was one of the last people there. What makes this scene striking to me is that although shot in color, the imagery are shades of grays. Other than a blush of color from the setting sun, this is nearly a monotone.

Linh Vien Thai is Amerasian, born in Dalat, South Vietnam, where he continued to lived during the war. He left for the U.S. and is now an American living in Tokyo. He enjoys adventure traveling and doing what’s right to make the world a better place.