I’m writing this on Day 06 after the earthquake in Japan. In this entry; I’ve decided to cite a basic time line of last 24. Last night another earthquake hit. This one a magnitude 6 was south of Tokyo in the prefecture near Mt. Fuji known as Shizoka.
I thought it was an aftershock but it was again another earthquake. At this point, it’s hard to determine the difference. We’ve been feeling the world move under us for nearly a week now. The night was long and restless as the unknowns regarding radiation effects from the reactor kept my mind occupied. Once asleep, I’m awaken a few times. Aftershock or earthquake, I had no idea. These shook everything in the house.
Not so bad though, so I don’t even bother getting out of bed. Just roll over, adjusted the blankets, flip the pillow get and feel the cold side, and then drift off to sleep. Morning comes, I’m up. Coffee in hand; I watch the news. Another reactor exploded. Now 3 of the 6 reactors in Fukushima are severely damaged, wrecked, rods exposed, and there’s leaking radiation. On TV I hear a lot of complicated information as I watch news reporters who now apparently think they are nuclear physicists and or reactor engineers. They display charts, schematics, and diagrams about how nuclear power plants work. These look a lot like a child’s science project.
I’m understanding the overview of reactor science but no one is giving anything clear information on the dangers. We hear one moment that the levels of radiation is weak and not threatening. Then we see a lot of serious warnings and are given precautions. Later in the morning another earthquake struck. That’s 2 earthquakes in less than 12 hours. This one was north east of Tokyo in Chiba prefecture. I’m feeling like Tokyo is a target and someone is taking shots that are getting closer to hitting the center. Strange as it sounds, I’m getting used to earthquakes.
Afternoon; I go out to shop for things. The streets today are empty, the shelves in the stores are again bare, and no one knows when more will come. I get back home empty handed. In the evening a video message from the Emperor was aired. For the first time in history the Emperor of Japan made video message to the people. Wow, I just witnessed history. He read eloquently a speech in a soft sad gentle voice.
He expressed sincere grief and called upon Japan to not give up, to stay calm, to come together. It comes with the intention to comfort as the situation is worsening. It’s the darkest hours in the beleaguered areas. Temperatures drop tonight to freezing. It’s snowing, it’s cold, and many shelters have no heat and are low on food. My inconveniences are meaningless. It’s been a long day, a long 24 hours with one thing after another happening. Right now as I write, it’s darker than usual here, hardly a car is heard on the streets. Right now no aftershocks, no quakes, no sounds of voices from the sidewalk. I went up on my deck to shoot my neighborhood. It’s darker than usual and hauntingly silent.
Linh Vien Thai is Amerasian, born in Dalat, South Vietnam, where he continued to lived during the war. He left for the U.S. and is now an American living in Tokyo. He enjoys adventure traveling and doing what’s right to make the world a better place.