Summer is over, at least for northern Europe and the states, however as travelers know, it’s always warm somewhere. We had a great opportunity to live out our childhood again this past August on Lake Placid in upstate New York, which is in the heart of the beautiful Adirondack Mountains.
Below are a series of shots from our incredible experience on the lake, from tubing to waterskiing. For those of you who may not like speed or motorboat sports, be sure to read Renee’s write-up on Lake Placid in Summer, which covers a lot of other activities you can do in the area, from bobsledding and 4×4 touring up Whiteface to a calm look at the nearby Mirror Lake, where you can see the lake evolve from early dawn to full sun break and paddle board until the tranquility reigns you in. The latter post has some stunning photography which you are bound to enjoy.
Now, onward to some tubing and skiing — does it get much better than this? Let’s just say we had a whole lotta fun! Thanks to ADKAquatics and Whiteface Lodge for boat use and taking us out on the lake for our adventure fun. ADKAquatics is knowledgeable and will walk you through whatever activity you’re doing if you’re not already a pro. If you have kids in tow, which we did, they’re also very supportive and will help encourage little ones to get on a tube or ski for the first time.

Anthony Compagnone is a bilingual speech and language therapist by day and has been helping kids and adults with their speech and language needs for over 20 years in New York.
He is also a keen martial artist and has practiced a number of disciplines from kempo to kung fu and everything in between.
Also a champion of his two incredible kids, yoga, hiking and traveling, he contributes to We Blog the World about family travel, hotel and product reviews and of course culture, where his language skills are a huge asset. He speaks 5 languages but is most proficient in English, Spanish and French.