These 12 Winter Sunsets in Africa Will Take Your Breath Away

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If you’ve ever been to Africa, you know that sunsets can transform your life there. Sunsets are one of the most emotive and compelling aspects of Africa in general but also while on a safari in Africa.


Two large trees have a halo of clouds as we move through the large open areas in the west of the reserve. Simon Smit

Imagine dust kicked up by the vast buffalo herds combined with smoke from wild fires is suspended in the heavy winter air. These seemingly insignificant molecules have the potential to transform the sky into an almost inconceivable array of  colour, shapes and patterns.   Each and everyday there is something new presented and it is for this reason that the breathtaking sunsets are one of my favourites aspects of winter.  Take a look at some of the spectacular sunsets we have been offered lately…

IMG_7584 Rich Laburn

Shapes cut out by mountains in the distance. Rich Laburn

Sunset in colour Adam Bannister

Colour sneaking through a ceiling of clouds. Adam Bannister

sunset Rich Laburn

An ancient leadwood silhouetted by a soft simple haze, front lit with a small flash. Rich Laburn

Shades and shapes enhanced by sparse clouds. Clouds with little threat of rain, little purpose other than one of decoration, character that only they  can add. Layer upon layer that hinder and harness rays of light, to capture and illuminate.


A fiery ceiling to end off the day. James Hobson

awesome sunset

Deep blues transforming into a beautiful burnt orange. Rich Laburn

Cloudy Sunset Rich Laburn

The sun breaks though for the last time before disappearing (taken by Rich Laburn)

Colours that develop and mature with the somewhat subdued sinking sun. Blues give way to a calm orange that soon turns to deep red as the horizon approaches.


Rays enhanced by the sun diving behind the mountains. Simon Smit

Red Sky Rich Laburn

The age old golden lining. Rich Laburn

Intention circle 2011 sunset Simon Bannister

Some interesting texture as a backdrop for our intention circle. Simon Bannister

A single ray of light bursts through the bottom of the clouds before fading from the horizon. Photo by: Rich Laburn

A single ray of light bursts through the bottom of the clouds before fading from the horizon. Rich Laburn

Landscape Sunset Rich Laburn

A large Marula tree provides an interesting subject in the foreground of this sunset. Rich Laburn

Sunset by Rich Laburn

The lingering colour of dusk. Rich Laburn

The colours don’t stop after the sun disappears, they continue until the very last of the light.  The only constant is the speed at which the night takes its grip turning the colorful dusk into starry nights.

Written by: Simon Smit

Photographed by: Rich Laburn , Simon Smit, Simon Bannister, James Hobson, Adam Bannister


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