I am taken by one of Inrepid Travel’s most recent campaign: SAMA, which supports gender equality in developing nations by emphasizing education for girls. In my interview with Katy Rockett of Intrepid Travel Canada, she explains the project, the objectives and, most importantly how you can help.
1. What does SAMA mean, why did you choose this name for the project?
SAMA means “equal” in Indonesian. As the main objective of the project is to support gender equality in developing countries, it was a natural fit.
2. Why did you choose to focus on education for girls?
First and foremost, we want to bring about change and recognises that, as a global company, we are uniquely placed to do so. Inspired by Plan’s I Am a Girl campaign and the book Half the Sky, there was a great feeling that as a company with roots in several developing countries, it was time we stepped up and took a more active role in supporting gender equality. We believe its important to support early childhood education projects, with a particular focus on girls, because we recognise that the right to education is a fundamental right. Education is one of the most effective development investments and is key to building the capacity of individuals, families, communities and nations. Educating children, and their families early, helps to give children the best start in life and is one of the most effective ways to counteract barriers that keep many children, particularly girls, from school.
3. How did you choose Laos for the first project; and what are your plans for the rest of the three years?
Three years ago, preschools did not exist in Laos and many children – especially those from minority backgrounds – are extremely disadvantaged when it comes to education, particularly education conducted in their own dialect. In 2012, Intrepid wanted to focus on one project to ensure it is up and running successfully and, with feedback from employees across the globe, Laos became a logical place to start. Over the next three years, SAMA will be supporting a series of PLAN global projects in developing countries, with a focus on early learning centres.
4. What do you hope to achieve?
Intrepid’s main goal is to use education as a means to combat gender inequality and improve the lives of communities. We will conduct a three-year plan with an objective to raise funds for early learning programs in several locations. SAMA has been outlined as a project aimed at benefitting girls, boys and communities around the world, and Intrepid is committed to supporting projects that can be sustained in the long term.

Mariellen Ward is a freelance travel writer whose personal style is informed by a background in journalism, a dedication to yoga and a passion for sharing the beauty of India’s culture and wisdom with the world. She has traveled for about a year altogether in India and publishes an India travel blog, Breathedreamgo.com. Mariellen also writes for magazines and newspapers.