The group which I first traveled with to northern Japan a couple of weeks ago to help people out following the Tsunami now has more volunteers my second time there. It’s so great to see so many people have signed up. That said, instead of waiting, I’ve contacted a few charity organizations that have connections with shelters in Tohoku.
By which I received a long list of needs and goods that these shelters to operate for 1 week. Most of the items on the list involve groceries and perishables. One helpful group has been Second Harvest Japan. So, a few calls to concerned friends locally leads to planning out our own trip. Get a truck/van collect a few things from here, and charitable minded companies, and go.
It’s better than stressing and waiting. I’m a strong believer in self sufficiency. It’s one of the proudest things I can say about many of my fellow of Vietnamese Refugees that came to America in the wave of immigrants post 1975. Most of us came to America, refused or took minimal handouts, and accepted that in life there are no entitlements. So, it’s embedded in me to be resourceful and proactive; I can’t just sit around hoping that some coordinator puts me on their list. Why wait to do the right thing.
Hence is the next. I’m going to sort out the logistics and try to make a run next week. As written before, it’s always important to pay in forward. Never let a chance to do the right thing pass you by in life. Well, today’s is short for words for me. Nothing too eventful has happened for us in Tokyo and most folks are to work and closing out deals and projects before Golden Week.

Linh Vien Thai is Amerasian, born in Dalat, South Vietnam, where he continued to lived during the war. He left for the U.S. and is now an American living in Tokyo. He enjoys adventure traveling and doing what’s right to make the world a better place.