Thanks to a random encounter from Renee Blodgett in the hotel lobby, we got a tip about an amazing show that was part of the Zoofest, one of the eleven festivals going on in Montreal over these two Summer months.
The show was called “New Faces,” and it gave a voice to some of the newest and hottest comedians in North America. But one comedian shined for me in the event and that was Chris Witaske.
Admittedly, the comedy was not incredibly accessible. It was more one long inside joke that played upon various pop culture references that included everything from a child character waking up to relate his awesome Raffi concert experience (“He fucking opened with, mother fucking Baby Beluga!”) to his incredible riff on an MTV exec during the 1990s.
For me, the inside joke comedy makes the laughter that much more exquisite. The fact that I know what they are talking about makes me feel special. And this was an act that was filled with this sort of humor.
Talking to his manager after the show, we learned that Saturday Night Live has their eye on him. So this is definitely a man to watch. Keep your eyes out. This guy is clearly a star.

Robert Knorpp is host of The BeanCast Marketing Podcast at and is President of The Cool Beans Group, a marketing strategy consultancy based in New York City. He likes laughing even more than breathing. You can follow the madness on Twitter at