In this post I may sway you to consider renting an apartment (probably in San Telmo Buenos Aires) where ever you land on your travels. If you are travelling for under two weeks it may not work out to be the best deal. If you happen to be travelling for more than two weeks you should really look into renting your own apartment rather than getting a hotel room or a hostel. After all the costs were set we the apartment we ended up paying about $15 each (give or a take a dollar or two). Thats a great price everything that was included; washer and dryer, wi-fi (Argentinians say wee-fee, can’t stop laughing over that), door man, the works!
I personally prefer living overseas rather than vacationing. Everyone always tells me “it’s a lot easier said than done.” I was always reply “everyone always makes time for what’s important to them.” I scoured the internet and when I say scoured I mean trying to find the last crumbs in a chip bag scoured. Licking your plate to get the last bit of sauce from the food you ate scoured. Going to the nearest fast food joint to eat the greasiest and most fattening food on the planet because you missed it when you were overseas scoured. But I digress….
Once I found it I admit I was a little hesitant. Questions arose like is Argentina dangerous? What if this is just a scheme? They were asking for quite a hefty deposit to rent the apartment since we wanted it for so long. The owner actually used a management company so once I saw that I felt a little more reassured (I did put on my detective hat and scour the internet for info on the company, scoured like… I digress).
Once we arrived we were greeted by the manager of the property which was very friendly and helpful. What we didn’t know is that the apartment came with a cell phone (and luckily with minutes). It was situated right in heart and soul of San Telmo Plaza Dorrego. Many nights they have live bands in the square that play live music. Everyday you can find a couple (or two) dancing tango in the plaza. Sunday’s is when it really gets festive as the San Telmo fair (San Telmo feria) is held. Many merchants come to sell their goods as tourists and others come flock to the area to experience the fair.
I have yet to have a bad experience renting an apartment (knock on wood). Luckily since San Telmo is a popular area for accommodation in Buenos Aires there is a lot of security around the area. The best part is there is a constant stream of people coming and going at all hours of the night. A review of all Buenos Aires barrios if definitely in order to help you with your accommodation plans.
If you would like to contact the owner about this two bedroom apartment contact me and I will gladly provide you with the details.
Check out our Top 5 section for more Argentina attractions and more thing to see around the world!

Marcello Arrambide considers himself a fanatical entrepreneur. During his younger years, when CD burning software first came out, he burned CD’s and sold them for $5 to $10 a piece, worked at a bakery and took the leftovers to school and sold them to students for breakfast the next morning. He flew to New York City and found a contact in China to have purses and wallets shipped him directly to sell.
He has since tried sales, real estate, software and day trading, where he coaches others to learn and develop their skill in the market. He plans to show everyone how easy living and moving overseas can be on your own terms as long as you have high speed internet and a computer.