World Champion–Japan’s Women’s Soccer!

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Recently, many watched the Final of Women’s World Cup held in Frankfurt, Germany.  I believe it was the first time that Japan team played in the Final, whereas  the U.S. team had won many games in the past and perceived to be No. 1 in the world.   (When I was watching TV in the U.S.,  I got an impression that it was almost taken for granted that the U.S. will win the Championship!)

The miracle (almost! it was so unexpected!)  happened early Monday morning.  I was NOT watching the game (how can I do that? I wonder) though I was up from before 4:00 a.m. due to the jet lag.  I was so wrapped up with all the task I needed to catch up for the Project  at KMD etc. etc.  I found out  that the Japan team won in the Shootout  just about 30 seconds after it happened, though. (I had to look up what Shoot out was!)

I was naturally excited and happy. What was even better was the note I received from my family and friends in the U.S.  I did not quite expect them, but they took time to send me the congratulatory note for the Japan team and Japan in general.   They said that it is about time  something good happen to Japan which suffered from the major catastrophe in March.  I was very touched.  One of them even talked about his hope that gender parity would proceed in Japan!

All of us can share the joy with the team, congratulate and thank the team as they made us all so proud.  It is such a great encouragement for us to continue our efforts n no matter how challenging and overwhelming the task may look.  We  can all remember that we can do it if we put our mind to it.  What a great message!

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