May 5 is the day of the final match of the 21st World Computer Shogi Tournament. After the preliminary games, the final match is held all day at Ibuka Hall of Waseda University. It is free and no pre-registration is necessary. Everybody is welcome. You can also follow the event by ustream, blog etc. Recently, computer Shogi seems to have caught a lot of attention and many new and better software seems to have been developed. It will be fun to follow the development. In fact, game No. 3 of Meijin sen (this is the real title match by professionals) will be held tomorrow, May 6 and May 7. So far, challenger, Toshiyuki Moriuchi won two games in a row against the defending Meijin Yoshiharu Habu. Game to watch!

Yoko Ishikura is a Professor at Hitotsubashi University ICS in the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy in Japan. She has held positions as a professor at the School of International Politics, Economics and Business of Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, as a consultant at McKinsey and Company Inc. Japan and a visiting professor at Darden School.
Professor Ishikura is a consultant to a number of multinational companies and has been a frequent speaker at management conferences, seminars, and workshops throughout the world. She was a member of the Regulatory Reform Committee for the Japanese government and the International Competitiveness Commission for METI. She is currently a Forum Fellow of the World Economic Forum.
She is the author of Strategic Shift from OR choices to AND paradigm, Building Core Skills of Organization , and the co-author of the following publications: Managing Diversity in the 21st Century, Strategy for Cluster Initiatives in Japan , and Building a Career to the World Class Professionals – all in Japanese. Her books in English include: Asian Advantage, Hitotsubashi on Knowledge Management and Trust and Antitrust in Asian Business Alliances.
Professor Ishikura’s current research interests are focused on global competition, innovation, and knowledge management. She received her BA from Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan; MBA from Darden School, University of Virginia in Charlottesville, Virginia; and DBA from Harvard Business School.