We Should All Grow Up Green

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530643_huellitas_1Babies are often divided into blue and pink (boys and girls) but into today’s ecological climate more and more parents are bringing up their babies “green”.

By raising eco babies parents are making the smart choice in preserving future generations and their environments. If you install in young one’s a good eco-friendly mindset early on, they just can’t go wrong in caring for the world.

Eco-friendly baby furniture are all the rage right now, but it takes more than a few physical items of environmental goodness to turn an eco friendly baby into an environmentally aware and caring person.

There are plenty eco-friendly products that will help green parents aid their child in growing up eco-aware. Here are a few tips to help you along your green-living way:

Nappies: Disposable nappies are convenient for you as a parent but they are very inconvenient for the planet. They end up in heaps and piles littering the landfills and are not a very eco-friendly choice. Why not choose cloth nappies with flushable liners have become popular with parents wanting to make the right and green choices. Less likely to give your baby as allergic reaction these diapers are washable and cheaper. You can also get organic cotton, bamboo and hemp material options for a safe and eco-friendly baby.

793291_jbr_wta_1Toys: Choosing toys made from cotton or wood is much more eco-friendly than plastics or other environmentally-damaging materials. Toys with plastic and metal parts are not as healthy for your baby and are less environmentally sustainable.

Clothes: Buying clothes made from organic materials such as cotton or hemp is eco-friendly but you can also be green and save money by recycling clothes. Hand-me downs are a great way of recycling close and not spending heaps of cash on clothes your baby will soon outgrow. You should also get into the habit of passing on the clothes that your baby outgrows either to friends and family or to chairty shops.

Nursery: You can be eco-friendly by ensuring your baby’s nursery is energy efficient. Insulation and draught-proofing will save on electricity bills and lower your levels of energy consumption. You can also choose to use eco-friendly paint and bedding to ensure your baby is surrounded by an environmentally friendly haven.

Providing your children with eco-friendly products is the first step towards teaching them to care for their planet. They will learn from your example, so as your child grows try making eco-friendly lifestyle choices naturally and include them in these choices.

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