Think Local: Save Space in Your Green Garden

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Just because you may not have the biggest garden around town doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a bit of leafy greenery in your life. If you get creative with your plants you can have your own natural paradise in limited space.

First of all, think local. It’s always best to plant indigenous shrubbery in your garden. This is because indigenous plants are used to the climate and animals of your area so won’t need too much attention and won’t be difficult to keep alive. In Cape Town the indigenous bushes are used to the dry summers and won’t need extra water which means you won’t have to waste the precious life-source. There are a number of beautiful indigenous plants you can choose from.

By using pots for your plants you will not only save space but leave room for yourself to change your garden around every so often. If your herbs or flowers are planted in a bed they will be spread out and take up more space than you maybe have. Keep them in portable pots so that you can move them around easily to create the best feeling in your space.

If you keep your garden area neat it’ll look bigger. Make sure you have a cupboard or place in the garage for all your gardening tools; when you’re not working in your garden make sure there isn’t a hose lying out on the grass or bricks. You could even hide your tools behind a simple and elegant bamboo screen which will add to the natural feel of your garden.

Plant some herbs in a pot or plant-tray. This way you’ll get the leafy greenness of the plants and be able to use them for cooking. In an ideal green world everyone would grow their own herbs, fruit and vegetables. It is possible to grow certain veggies with limited space. Not only will you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you grew that tomato from a seed, you’ll also be reducing your carbon footprint one courgette at a time.

To make the area of your garden look larger than it is hang mirrors in tactical spots to trick people into thinking there’s more space in your backyard than there really is. The mirrors will also create a chic look if you couple them with stylish garden furniture. Don’t go large with the table and chairs though; if they’re too big they’ll end up looking clumsy and cramped.

Don’t be afraid to try out new things in your garden. Move pots around, put up a piece of art in an empty corner or even get creative with a non-conventional water-feature.

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